Son Of Fate Of The Nine Zones?

The Monster Zone had already begun to descend into chaos.

A terrifying blood fiend creature had descended. Unlike the blood fiend race in the Western Zone, the blood fiend race in the Monster Zone took the form of a monster.

One could vaguely see their monster-like characteristics.

There were many monster tribes in the Monster Zone. Some of them had special innate abilities. Hu Tianya had long been prepared and had already united these tribes.

After training together, they were able to cooperate with each other and make the best use of their abilities to fight the blood fiends.

Chu Xuan looked at the Central Zone. As the strongest zone in the nine zones, it was also the core region of the human race.

Its strength was unmatched.

The ancient forces within the Central Zone took action one after another. They began to coordinate the forces in the Central Zone to form an alliance to overcome the Great Daoyuan calamity.