The Reincarnation Of A Half-Saint Of The Celestial Race

Chu Xuan sighed. The Great Daoyuan was indeed a golden opportunity for courageous cultivators to rise up. It was not unusual for cultivators to experience more than one breakthrough during or after a battle.

Of course, to be able to make full use of this golden opportunity, these cultivators had to fight for fate, and be powerful enough to begin with.

As long as the human race could withstand these attacks, they would experience an increase in strength.

If they could not, then the human race would decline.

Qian Ming once again joined in the battle.

The blood-colored sky started to tremble and swirl, as if it was going to collapse.

In the Central Region of the Central Zone, a crack suddenly appeared in the sky.

A terrifying blood fiend descended.

Dao realm!

"Not good!"

Countless experts from the ancient forces were shocked.

Another Dao realm blood fiend!

Who could stop it?