A Sense Of Crisis

Chu Xuan once again felt a sense of danger. If this aura started to spread, all living beings below the Daoyuan realm would die, and Daoyuan realm experts would have to fight for their lives.

Furthermore, this was more terrifying because the Great Dao was everywhere, and the Great Dao calamity could strike anywhere!

"Daoist Brother Chu, the appearance of the Great Dao calamity aura should be related to the Great Dao calamity you mentioned, right?"

Yi Yuejun's expression turned serious.

When he first heard about the Great Dao calamity, he had not bothered with it, and neither did Huang Long and Gui Ran.

After all, they were creatures of the Great Dao and very special.

Apart from being unable to leave the Great Dao, they were basically immortal.

As long as the Great Dao was not destroyed, they would not die.

However, after coming into contact with the Great Dao calamity aura, he no longer thought that way.