The Great Sacrificial Formation (Part 1)

Ji Dexin's doubts were destined to go unanswered.

Of course, Chu Xuan did not realize the impact of the Heavenly Dao Talisman plan on the nine zones and the Great Daoyuan calamity.

He had thought that if he did it in secret, and did not interfere with the calamity, nothing would change.

Little did he know that the Heavenly Dao laws' devouring of the laws of Heaven and Earth in the nine zones had in itself pushed forward the development of the Great Daoyuan calamity.

Then again, even if Chu Xian did know, he would still have chosen to proceed with it.

This was the best way for him to quickly improve his cultivation.

"Your Heavenly Dao laws have taken over the Central Zone's Qian Region. Your cultivation level has advanced."

The Qian Region had finally been incorporated into the Heavenly Dao laws, and Chu Xuan's cultivation experienced another breakthrough.