An Ominous Aura (Part 2)

For the time being, there were no conflicts between the human race and these small races.

The small clans did not dare to mess with the human race for fear of being exterminated.

There was no calamity in the Northern Zone, so it was peaceful.

While some went to reinforce the other zones, there were also others who thought that the outer zones were too dangerous and decided to stay in the Northern Zone.

Some smaller races that were on the verge of extinction began to migrate to the Northern Zone after hearing that it was peaceful.

As the number of races and living beings in the Northern Zone increased, the Heavenly Dao laws were also strengthened.

Chu Xuan was happy to see this.

For the sake of the diversity of living beings in the Northern Zone, he had even intervened to prevent some smaller races from being exterminated by human martial artists.

They would be protected like endangered species.