Ancestors Of The Human Race (Part 3)

"Of the ten ancestors of the human race, only seven are left. Three of my old friends have fallen," Yang sighed.

"You have to remember that the human race cannot be considered true overlords just yet. It is only when we can suppress all of the other races that we will have achieved that."

"Another great calamity is coming, and the human race will also be oppressed, unless…"

Yang suddenly fell silent.

"Unless what?"

Yang Tian asked curiously.

"That's not something you should know."

"You're too curious, kid. Let me put it this way. Before the ten ancestors of the human race, there was still another person. If he was still alive..." 

Yang smiled bitterly.

Chu Xuan understood.

He was almost certainly referring to the first genius who had created the human race's cultivation technique.