Constructing The Reincarnation Cycle

Chu Xuan then refocused himself as he began to construct the reincarnation cycle.

One end of the Reincarnation Great Dao principle was connected to the Ghost World and the Buddha World. Using the Origin Dao Ring as a bridge, it was connected to the Great Dao to prevent it from being swallowed or controlled by the Great Dao.

The other end was connected to the Heavenly Dao laws.

At the same time, the reincarnation three-lives bridge was placed over the River Styx, which would become the path of reincarnation for living beings. When they walked across the bridge, they would wash away the past and be reincarnated.

The order of the world of spirits and souls needed to be established bit by bit. The administrator of the order of reincarnation was a member of the ghost race, but was made independent of the ghost race, which would become the protectors of the order of reincarnation.