Fate Of An Ancient Chaos God

Chu Xuan was observing the ongoing battles. It was really exciting.

Qian had appeared.

The person that Yun admired.

He was the one who had brought the body-tempering technique to the human race from the giant race after being saved by Qiong.

The giant race had protected the human race because of him.

From Chu Xuan's perspective, Qian had already gone crazy.

(T/L: Mo Yao was previously translated as Mo E in an earlier chapter. This has been rectified.)

He only had one obsession, which was to kill Mo Yao, which had driven him to become stronger.

His family and friends had been eaten by Mo Yao in front of him.

The person he once loved had also died.

Even the disappearance of the Heavenly Fox race had something to do with Mo Yao.

There was only one obsession. Killing Mo Yao and getting his revenge was the only thing that kept him sane.