Unifying The Chaos (Part 1)

Chu Xuan lived an ordinary and leisurely life in the valley as the situation in the outside world continued to develop.

There were changes in the chaos as well, and there were now only three chaoses left. 

The chaos where the Heavenly Dao was located had all sorts of forces mixed together, and the situation was turbulent.

Even though the Heavenly Dao was the most powerful faction, it had not been able to truly unify the chaos.

Somewhere in the chaos, Ding Yue was sitting cross-legged on the back of a chaotic being.

There was a sword on his leg. It looked illusory, but also seemed tangible.

Wisps of sword intent swirled around Ding Yue's body.

Ding Yue's heart had nothing but the sword!

The deeper his comprehension became, the more Ding Yue felt that his master's teachings were so profound.

He sighed. He was still far from mastering the Sword Dao.