Stepping Stones

Chu Xuan spent a thousand years finishing the first page.

Then, he made a small adjustment to the direction of his cultivation.

Although he was not reading all the time, it took him a thousand years to finish a page. This showed just how profound the book was.

Chu Xuan added another floor to the Xuan Gate Scripture Pavilion. He copied the page he had finished reading into a golden page and placed it on the highest floor.

Another thousand years later, Chu Xuan finished reading the second page.

However, he did not make a copy of it.

A single page would be enough for now. 

Within the Xuan Gate sect, there was no one who was close to the Heavenly realm. This single page and floor was just something that would motivate them to strive and improve. 

On a certain day, Chunlan and Lie Tian returned.