The first approach

2234 the current year of the release of the Star Legacy, an interstellar VRMMORPG that has been in development for over 9 months. Under the careful guidance of the vice president of the Galaxy International Corporation. With their careful deliberation of the project it has finally been released to the public. and without any problems gaming stores and malls have started to advertise its distribution of the game.

The advertisement department of Galaxy International Corporation. Have expanded to all forms of advertisement. First they tackle food advertisement and then they transferred to gaming shows followed by programs who talked about the latest release of the XR-23 gaming capsule pod. With the increase of advertisement regarding the release of Star legacy. It only took 24 hours for the news of the release of the game to spread worldwide.

Flashy advertisement from screens shows how the game development focus on indepth gaming. Which shows exploration and diversity in the Galaxy, under the flag ship name Star Legacy. And with the Galaxy International Corporation entering the Esports scene and industry. They wanted to achieve great heights and nicknamed as the top 1 VRMMORPG game that has granted with full expansion to all countries.

"This is the exciting moment that we have been waiting for! ITS THE RELEASE OF THE GAME!" His eyes that is full of excitment widened in front of him. He look back to Percival in a serious face "Remember the advertisement we saw back then? How can a single player be an exotic DASHER class. The sword that can slash even the toughest metal in the galaxy and grab the tittle of the stellar swordsman. You know how cool that is! damn!?"

Ha Jung expression is mixed with his emotions of happiness and excitement even his face getting red. And way of speaks started to change his composure goes down and started stuttering because he cannot wait for the opening of the store.

"Are you not excited about the current release of this game?" Ha Jung questioned him.

[You have increased a Level!] [You are now a player Congrats!] A blue screen interface appeared in front of Percival. He cannot speak nor move because he was in a state of shock. Especially when he first see the interface just pop up in front of him. His worried face shows is giving a hint that something happened.

"What am I seeing, a level up interface??" Percival's face flustered while in front of Ha Jung but because he is not speaking and just staring on the ground. Ha Jung started to get pissed and angry at him.

At first he did not care about the interface because the most important for him right now is the line that is long as a snake. So he turned and looked at Ha Jung who is standing in front of him. Ha Jung face tells a different story. Because he was not even listening Ha Jung gazed at him as if he did something bad.

"Why are you suddenly angry at me?" Percival's asked Ha Jung with his soft and calm tone. But then Ha Jung slapped him in the face without any warning.His smug face turned into a reddish face like a tomato that is freshly picked from the garden.

After the slap he received he screamed in pain at Ha Jung. With Ha Jung appearance of a red curly hair and chubby body composition with a sizable nose. He could not take it anymore and his anger and frustation bested him grabbing Ha Jung collar. "DUDE, not because I hated your hair and nose does not mean that I will gladly accept your slap!" He gritted his teeth after he said those words.

Then the man behind them warned them saying, "Hey you two, don't fight. It's not getting anywhere, so form the line again and don't make a scene before I stepped in and both of you receive a severe beating." The middle age looking man with a black coat added by his intimidating aura.

When the door opened, the gamers rush inside of the store. Each gamer wanted to buy the copy of the game. After getting their copies of the Star Legacy game, they headed home. But the interface from earlier and the interface when he got home are still the same.

"I am still curious on what will I do with this interface? Is this one of those updated versions of my darn eye game or something?" his annoyed face. Because he badly wanted to remove the blue screen interface in front of him, he tapped the button beneath the information.


After tapping the button, 2 more interfaces appeared. One is a color violet with his current body posture specified on it. Then the other one on the left is a blue colored interface. The only thing on the blue side is a human shadow portrait and blank stats.

Percival suddenly feels nervous about this. Because it is his first time he is looking something like a perfect interface about himself. With the stats that he can only see in a game and now, that he can see it in the real world. He could not just beleive it was really happening.

[Main Information]

[name: Percival Lorenzo Ruiz]

[Level: 1]

[Experience: 20/1300]


[Title: None]

[Stat point Available: 3]

[Stats Data]


Intelligence: 14

Charisma: 9

Charm: 3

Endurance: 13

Agility: 10

Luck: 10

[Legacy Attribute]

[Gravitational Balance: 0]

[Dark matter Manipulation: 0]

[Matter Balance: 0]

[Planetary Accumulation: 0]

[Character Personality]

Note: The Player is currently in a state of shock, and shall reveal the actual information about the interface he just witness.

Then after the two data information interface appeared in front of him. Another interface, a green one, appeared above the two information data interfaces. [Welcome to the Level Up a System of Gallacia] "What is Gallacia? What in the hell are the interfaces in front of me?" his face is still processing what is currently happening to him because everything seems to be fast. Then a tiny robot appeared, floating in front of him from the green interface.

He stumbled down to the floor as he witness a robot floating. "What are you!" he shouted, and the robot replied in a soft voice. "I am Gallacia" the robot face is a pixel appearance then she created a smile. "What do you want from me?" He asked while looking at the robot his hands are shaking and his heart is beating fast. "Well, it is because I chosen you among other players that will soon enter the Star Legacy game." He looked at the capsule that he owns while it says that it had installed the Star Legacy game.

[Installation Complete]

"First, can you tell me about the two interfaces that I have seeing right now?" He said with his low tone of voice. Gallacia once again smiles at him. And then she reply with a gentle robotic tone "Well, of course, that is why I am here. I am here to help you, Percival." Then, in a simple click of Gallacia hand. The information he needed for him to understand everything there is, suddenly filled him like a download information going through his head.

The sensation of entering a portal where all the algothrims appear in front of him. "This is the installation of the information you need to process the Level up system and to link both your character in real life and in the game" Gallacia robotic tone echoed while he looks around.

[They differentiated the two interfaces to two different people. The first interface where the violet color interface is the real world stats and the Blue one is the stats of the character that you will make in Star Legacy.]

[Stats in the violet interface can also give some stats in the blue interface, which can also increase any stats through their assistant. The player can accept any quest they seem fit. Added to this is the current assistant is Gallacia, the quest that is given outside world and inside of the Star legacy is both different.]

Then Gallacia looked at him, and said "Are you ready to be one of the rising star in the Esports industry? Well then, let's make it happen using a Level up system in Real life" and from that moment he felt relieve because he know Gallacia can help him get what he wants in the future to come.

He stands up and looks at Gallacia and asked, "What are the things I need to do for now?" and Gallacia said "First create a character in the Star Legacy game."

He smile, when he heard Gallacia that he needs to make a character. He opened the pod and seated on the chair then he flick the switch to close the pod. Gallacia also comes with him inside of the pod. He grabbed the vizor and put it on his head. And then he said "Current Access Link granted. LINK!" and then a colorful flash appeared as the machine works with his brain. Gallacia seems to have patterned itself with the algorithm of the pod that he is using. Then he sees the first screen of Star Legacy.

The stars and planets alike that shine bright and the exotic planets. He is floating while being transported to the Newbie creation center. While being transported to planet Xecron. The planet where all newbies of the game first landed. He needs to make a character that is what Gallacia requires him to do. But first he must understand that there are 6 other classes to choose from.

Dasher- A sword wielding expert that can deflect flying plasma bullets. that has increased both power and speed stat focus.

Heavy Support Gunner- A lunch and a rotating rapid-fire gun. Which focuses on strength and vitality.

Marksman- A long-range fighter that is preferred to main with the two stats speed and intelligence.

Shielded Commander- Same with the heavy support gunner focus stats but mainly receive more damage than anyone as it fights the major front line. Vitality and strength.

Gunner Officer- A Duel wielded officer that can only equip small firearms and a tone of explosive perfect for breaching and strikes. Primary focus of stat is endurance and intelligence.

Strike Caller- A rifle focus but can call support from logistics such as space bombardment and engineering prospect such drones to robotic killing machines. Intelligence and Production.