Taking over

After eating the food that his mother gave him. He stands up and looks at the quest that he has. Then he said "Quest update" and an interface violet interface appeared in front of him.

[Quest update]

[Exercise and Get strong]

[Push up 40/100]

[laps 0/5]

[sit-ups 40/100]

[Jumping jacks 0/100]

He looks around, trying to find a clock. When he looks at the clock, he sees it is 11:00 PM. When he noticed it was too late to do some laps. He thinks of the other quest he needed to do. "Push and sit up it is" He with an energize tone of voice. He first form to the floor of his room in a pushup position and started doing his counting.

After 40 minutes he finished 30 push-ups. But the push he did is not the proper way and because of that, the 30 push up that is supposed to be added to strength got reduced in half. After that, he grabs the plates and heads down. It was 11:45 PM when he headed down the stairs.

When he opened the lights in the living room, he turns his body to where the kitchen was located. A counter only separated the kitchen and dining area. And that counter is the sink for washing dishes.

He heads to the sink to wash his plates. After washing, he walks out of the kitchen and head back to his room and lay down. Putting both of his arms on top of his chest, and started doing reps for sit-ups. Sweat dripped from his head to his skin. And there is also sweat all across his body. "Whooo, this is going to be hard, but I can still do this" After making his 30 reps perfectly, he lay down on the floor while gasp for air.

His vision spun like crazy. And because of that, he grabs the glass of water and drinks it. Because of that, he gained his composure once again. After standing back up again, he checked the quest that he was doing. "Quest log active" and the violet interface appeared in front of him and check the remaining things he needed to do.

[Quest update]

[Exercise and Get strong]

[Push up 70/100]

[laps 0/5]

[sit-ups 70/100]

[Jumping jacks 0/100]

Because he perfected the posture of the sit up and had an excellent time, He received the endurance attribute to 30. "Well, it getting late. I also need to go to school. I hope that my current stat will work on the bullies." He thinking what will happen to him if he fights back with the bully that he means to destroy.

Gallacia is still intrigue with Percival's personality. Outside personality of him is a silent, introvert type of person who chooses which friends he will need and people who are not needed. But on the inside is a vicious killer that really wants to hunt its own prey.

He wakes up from his alarm, that is advanced from the real time he needs to go to school. He took a shower and brush his teeth. After finishing what he needed to do in the comfort room, he heads down to the living room to get some food that he need. "You seem thrilled today, son," his father asked him.

He looked at his father's eye and reply with a simple "I am happy because I felt lively today, dad. Also, take care if you are going to leave" He stands up and leaves the house. His father looked at his mother and they both smirk.

"A happy family, a perfect one huh," He whisper in his head while pedalling. The wind has blown against him and because of this, he needs to lean forward to avoid the wind.

As he keeps getting faster, some cars started to horn at him. But the thing is he did not care and continue to the pace he has. He reached the school at the exact time. He parked his bike and when he turned around, the group of Jung Ho was at the door of the classroom.

The first two students that were ahead of him got extorted. When it was his turn, Remiel looked at him in the eyes and then grab his collar. "What with those eyes, huh? Are you going to fight me!"

He shouted at him and trying to get much attention. The other two underlings of Remiel, behind him, laughed at him. Then suddenly a familiar voice called Remiel out. And it was Ha Jung that is standing beside him.

Remiel looked at Ha Jung face and instantly punches his face. Ha Jung's face got distorted for a mere second before his entire body dropped to the ground. "Do you see thing, huh?" He squats and grabs the collar of Ha Jung. As he lets go of his collar then pushing him. "From today onwards, there will be a toll that everyone should pay."

But he keeps his eyes lock to Remiel. "Why, you little pest, you are still looking at me with your filthy eyes of yours!" He was about to land a punch on Percival's face, but Percival quickly grabs his arm and twist it.

Remiel felt the pain of his veins and in the arm is being twisted by a weakling like Percival. "Now tell me you are going to be the boss here?" He keeps twisting Remiel's arm until he kneels and begs to let him go.

"Please let me go!" Remiel pleading tone of voice while his eyes are getting filled with tears. "Do you think I will let this arm be free again?" He look at Remielthen a teacher entered the classroom. And he needs to let off the left arm of Remiel.

But because of this event, it will truly change something. And with that factor of change appear there will be a lot of change that will be happening. And the gossip of Percival fought back against the Remiel group will be the talk of the entire school. The Ganjon Technical high will be in an uproar in the coming days.

The bell rang, and the break started Remiel, who wants revenge for what Percival did earlier. He walks over to Percival's desk and slams his head on the table. The sound of the forehead slamming on the table made the entire class quiet.

He raised his head and grabs Remiel's arm and pull it and then he elbow break it. And then give Remiel an uppercut, and then he stands up when he sense that the other two of his subordinates are going to get him. Remiel drops to the ground while holding his injured, broken arm.

"Now I think your gang needs to disband and stop making some delinquent stuff in this class. Am I clear?" his aura change and smile at the scared face of Remiel.