Equiping the Drops

He quickly opened his inventory to look at the two drops that the Snake scrap has dropped. He tapped at the first equipment drop, which was the venom plasma sword. It has a horizontal handle at the center to give its balance for the blades.

With its two blades that are attached to the both ends of the horizontal handle. The form of the blade is a letter V with its point not connected. The first look it looks a fang of the snake scrap. Then the green color that it emits is because of the chemical that it produces.

[Venom Plasma Sword (normal class)]

[BUFF effects applied to the player]

[Attack speed buff added % 5]

[Paralyzing effect (Active) ]

[added +4 power]

He equipped the venom plasma sword. And tried it on one of the snake scrap that is near him. He dashed forward, the snake scrap slither towards him. He side step from left to right the snake scrap spits venom, and it landed on the floor but he dodges the attack and with a swing of his new venom plasma sword using the quick cut the snake scrap got cut in half using the venom plasma sword.

[You have gained experience!" He turns around and sees the snake scrap not moving and sure enough, after a few seconds, it vanishes.

"The Snake Scrap Mask" his having a problem if he should wear the mask or not in the current situation. Gallacia still observing what will Yeong do. He tapped the Snake Scrap mask. After he tapped the item, an interface appeared in front of him. The snake scrap mask is a metallic mask with a feature of the head of a snake scrap. Then an added feature of it is the glowing green color of its eyes.

This is because of the changed to a player so that a player could see in the dark. Rather than being rust is a silver metallic color like a normal Snake scrap. It also has the added aesthetic of the fangs that is shown when a snake scrap has its normal face. It is also has an added function of preventing poisonous smoke to be inhaled by a player.

[Snake Scrap mask]

[BUFF effects applied to the player]

[Night vision effect applied when worn.

[Reduce of venomous smoke and warning (Active)]

"This is so awesome that I can now see in the dark. Now it's time to go hunting for more snakes," he smile behind the mask he is wearing. 30 minutes passed and he killed 5 more Snake scraps he lured into the area. [You have gained experience] x5

"Imagine I am here farming experience points left and right and then my other friends Ha Jung are having a bad time. He continue to move further into the maze area of the scrap yard. Lucky for him if he gets lost, he has the drone scanner to check the entire surrounding for the easiest way out.

After resting for 10 minutes, he continued to attack multiple snake scraps that because of the new weapon that he has. The snake scraps are easy to be dealt with. But he still receives some minor scratches because he still needs to practice using his skills.

He swing his venom plasma sword and it got blocked by the tail of the snake scrap. The tail of the snake scrap has the highest defense and the most impenetrable part of the snake scrap.

Even though a snake scrap is 5'0 ft in height and it's not that big, its tail has always been the problem for him.

His sweat is dripping from his head down to his cheek. His grip tightens while gasp for air. The Scrap snake hissed at him, and with that hissed is the taunt. He smile and points the venom plasma sword at the head of the snake scrap.

He dashed forward then side stepping to avoid the venom spit. Like what he predicted when he charged forward, the Snake scrap spits the venom, but he already had his plan set and he side step evading the venom spit that was directed at him. He moves forward at a fast pace; he leaps forward and then stabbing the scrap snake at its throat.

After that, the venom plasma sword pierced into the flesh of the snake scrap. Then he put his other hand on the handle of the venom plasma sword and with his weight he slides down with his entire body and with the weight of his body the plasma sword slashed through the entire upper body of the snake scrap.

The snake scrap drops to the ground after he pulled out his venom plasma sword. The snake scrap turn into small pixel vanish into the mid air. Right after the snake scrap disappears an interface appears in front of him [You have gained experience!] he sighs and whispers "Quest update"

[Quest log updated]

[Quest Activated]

[Extermination of Snake Scraps]

[Snake Scraps killed 17/30]

He continues to hunt for Snake scraps for about an hour. After the hour of hunting, he sat down on the ground lean on the destroyed shuttle while he sheathed his venom plasma sword. "Damn, it's getting hotter. I killed 7 more snake scraps. The deeper I go to the scrap yard. The harder it gets to kill a bunch of snake scraps." That is when henotice that above the head of the snake scraps are certain level of each monster to increase their strength, attack and defense.

"As of now you have beaten a lot C class Snake scrap monsters," Gallacia said. This is after he cleared his mind.

"Why are you telling me this now? You know I did not expect that I will kill a C class Snake scrap. That is why the outer scrap yard snake scraps are easy to kill is because they are only D class snake scraps. So you mean that if I go deeper into the scrap yard I can fight B Class and A class snake scrap monsters?"

He asked while catching his breath. "For what my information has gathered, there are no B class and A class snake scraps in this place. The highest class you are fighting is the A+ class Three Eyed Dog Ravenous Hound. Which is the current boss for this level 3 scrap yard."

After hearing that, he stands up and looks at Gallacia, who is curious about what will Percival's reactions are after finding he also needs to kill the A+ class monster all by himself. "Time to get stronger. I don't want to face that dog when I am still level 3, no?" He smirk with a sarcastic tone of voice.

He did not stop on hunting C class snake scraps. The snake scraps that were being killed gave him instant experience points every time he killed snake scraps in a group. After 1 hour of hunting, He finally sees the Quest's completed interface in front of him.

[Quest Log updated]

[Congratulations! You have finished the quest.

[Extermination of Snake Scraps (Finish)]

[Snake Scraps killed 30/30]

[You have been awarded with experience points.]

[You have leveled up!]

He felt relieved that he also leveled up. "I am still thinking if I need to put my legacy attribute points. It will be nice if I get matter balance and planetary accumulation for better adaptation on planets that I will clear soon." His thoughts while he was eating the loot he got from last time. The instant meal, "I never expect that the flavor is amazing".