Ravenous Hound (2)

"Gallacia, help with these missiles will ya?" his exhausted voice while raising his tone. The sweat that is dripping from his head to his cheek. And the icy wind that is giving him back a chill. But he focused on his enemy, the Ravenous hound. He clenched it tightly so it won't easily slip from his hands or he lose his grip from his sword. Luckily for him, she nodded in response.

The next thing she did, she raised both of her hands. After raising her hands, it emitted a fine yellow light which seems to absorb energy from the surroundings.

Then he receives the shield of Gallacia, a support skill that only she can activate. And used in the most dire situation that could happen to a player. But the skill is costly because the longer that she uses the shield of Gallacia, her battery will also be faster than a normal phase of reduction.

He dashed left to right, trying to evade the missiles heading his way. The explosion also giving him a hard time because it's getting nearer and nearer to him. "I need something that can take down this monster." He looked at his skill cool down and the Green light still had 1 minute and 24 seconds until he can use it again. "I hate it. Why does it take long to be used?" He exclaimed while rolling down to a crater because the missiles had landed just a few steps in front of him.

He rolls down the crater before stopping at the center. He removes the dust from his face and stands back again. Then after getting back to his senses. The missiles stopped and the Ravenous hound has delayed the bleeding from the wounded eyes.

His offensive attack failed. Now he needs to start a plan for his second attack. Because he knows that the Ravenous hound can sense something that can happen with its predictability is high according to the information given to him by Gallacia. So he needs to look unpredictable for the Ravenous hound to not get the predictability of his movements.

He looked, and he had taken 5 minutes. And he only has a few seconds left before the Gold prize for the dungeon given to him. He sees on his left side corner that his super skill doesn't have any cool down.Percival raised his head and said, "I told myself that I won't be no longer be letting the wall of problems stop me from reaching my dreams." He charged towards Ravenous Hound using the Dash Down strike sliding through the open floor.

With that, he easily evaded the two consecutive paw stomps and paw slash claws. He reaches the neck of the Ravenous Hound and with no hesitation that he could think of. He used the Green Light, super skill. The laser power projectile fired through the neck of the Ravenous hound pierced through its flesh.

Then he sees the life points of the Ravenous hound closer to 0. "I am finally going to kill it on my own, this damn dog!" his face getting annoyed because of the missiles that he needs to dodge and evade for him to survive.

He tries to find a suitable body part that he could climb on that will give him an advantage point. In attacking the Ravenous hound, and because of his super skill, the Ravenous hound is stunned and its body on the ground. It only needs one more attack and he could really finish the Boss of the scrap yard quest.

He checked the feet and, like what he expected, he easily climb on the limbs of the Ravenous hound. He jumps high enough to come back down with enough force to decapitate the Ravenous hound. "SPEED KILL!" He whispered, and he unleashed multiple swords strikes that is faster that sound.

When it landed to the flesh of the Ravenous Hound, it made a decisive blow and cut open the wound that was bleeding the Ravenous Hound. He is getting closer to land on the flesh of the Ravenous Hound he whispered "Quick cut" and the head of the Ravenous hound rolls. After that, 2 large announcements appeared. The first announcement is for public and the other one is for server.


"Seeing my name on the grand announcement made me feel I am entitled to something." He said, while sighing in relief. And sitting on the ground because of fatigue. His body is aching because he pushed it too forward. He did not expect that his strength and power in his real life can also affect in his performance in the game.

[Congratulations, you have gained the title: Owner of the Scrap yard]

[Buff effects applied to player]

[Added attack speed 9%]

[Added permanent +3 vitality]

[Congratulations you have gained the title: Slayer of the Hound]

[Buff effects applied to player]

[Added attack speed 10%]

[Added critical damage 9%]

[Added permanent +4 strength]

[New command activated: scrap yard outline]

[Scrap yard control]

[Note: You can now control the entire scrap yard, from monsters to structures.

[Quest log updated]

[Quest updated]

[Quest activated]

[The Elimination of the First Boss Monster]

[Three eyed Dog Ravenous hound 1/1]

[Quest Completed] [Congratulations]

[You Have Gained a Level!]

[You have looted the following items:]

[Ravenous Hound armored coat (Normal class) x1)

(Ravenous Hound Eye balls x4)

(Ravenous Hound Sharp Teeth x3)

He opened his eyes, and all he sees are notifications about him. Percival looked at the chat and friend request he receives it was a tone of people requested his audience. He stands up and when he turns around; he sees the door of the Ravenous Hound. "I will still come back and lower the time that I entered." He said. [Time Finish: 6 minutes and 2 seconds]

"Open inventory," the words he said, and the interface appeared in front of him. He sees that he has looted the Ravenous Hound armored coat. "This will be nice. I think I am going to change my coat to an armored one," He stated before equipping the Ravenous Hound armored coat.

[BUFF effects applied to the player]

[Ravenous Hound armored coat (normal class)]

[Added +3 vitality]

[Added +4 Power]

[added Buff effects: Aura Domination]

[Made from the skin of the Ravenous Hound, both metal and skin of the Hound will strengthen it and, with that, its aura has given a domineering effect for those who are lower level.]

After equipping the armored coat, he checks the leader board, and There he see that the current number one is not other than him and the number two is the guy who overtaken him early morning. "I should check the forum for the current news that just happened. TI am sure my name will be all over the forum. I am excited," He only feel the fullfilment of the dreams he wanted to happen.