Bestfriend (4)

"Argh dammit, my hand argh" Garet grits his teeth because of the pain that his arm is feeling. "What? I can't hear you want more pain?" He tightly twist the arm of Hee Chul, and that made Hee Chul screamed in pain. "I dont know what you are saying!"

Gared screamed, but he did not stop twisting his arm until a joint suddenly dislocated. And He punched the tall man that he pinned down. The other delinquents see how strong He is. Remiel and Luke also witness the scene, but they were glad that they did not push Percival too much or else they would be the one on the ground.

"What's with all the ruckus" he scratched his head while yawning. Stephen looks around and when he did, he never sees a single guard that is present.

"Where are those shit head-" then when he stepped on the last stair going down the front door he sees Gared on the ground knocked out while his arm got dislocated. Percival, who is standing in front of Gared, looks up and both of them locked their eyes to each other.

With both of them now in a state of no return, they both charged to each other. Stephen jumps down from the stairs and smiles at Percival.

"Hey Bastard, do you think we need to talk after what you did to my people?" Stephen clenched his fist while saying each word. Then Percival answers, "Why, when my friend ask for you to stop, did you stop?" He raised his chin up and shows the stains and drips of from blood other delinquents.

"How did you?" Stephen suddenly stepped back, and he felt that the aura that he was going to fight is going to kill him. His hands shook even when he clenched it. "Do you think I would not know, the voice that messed with my head!"[You have gained 1 charisma]

A violet interface appeared. He dashed forward, striking Stephen's face. Ju Ho didn't expect a sudden attack when his fist landed. His face got smashed while the fist landed on his face. His entire body felt the power, and the next thing he knew is he was dropping to the ground.

He grabbed his collar and punched Remiel in the face 5 more times straight. The force of the arm to the face made Remiel feel the pain 2x that the pain he did to Ha Jung in the black room. "Do you think I care if you are part of an organization, huh bastard?" he said furiously while punching Remiel.

He dragged him by the collar to the center of the room. Then slamming his head to the floor. When Stephen's head slammed to the ground, blood appeared. Percival turns around and spits near the stair. "I want all of you to guard that person, its better if you bind him with a rope so he won't be going anywhere." He runs up to the stair.

He reached the first floor and started looking at each of the 5 rooms. "Where is he-" he whispers while running down the hall. He tried to kick each one of the door and the only thing he sees is empty room.

He runs back to the stairs and heads up to the stairs that are going to the 2nd floor. When he reaches the 2nd floor, there are 3 delinquents smoking. "Hey!" one of the red shirt with uniform from a new high school said with his hair of jet black and messy hairstyle.

"Do you know who we are huh!" then the other one with a blue t-shirt on said his hair is spikey style. "You seem lost. Are you one of the new recruits!" the one sitting in the middle added. He did not sit a word. He walked up to the two and suddenly pull them down with force. And they both lost balance and rolls down the stairs.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs, they both lost consciousness. Then he looks down at the leader of the 3 that is in front of him. His aura appeared and the leader of the three steps aside and let him climb to the 2nd floor unharmed.

After reaching the door of the 2nd floor and opening it wide. He sees ha Jung tied bleeding and full of blood. Ha Jung's face is unrecognizable because of the blood and black eye that he receives from the torture. He lets him free and his body falls to the ground like a rag doll.

He picked him up and put his arm around his neck while he grabbed the side of Ha Jung. 20 minutes later; they reached the ground floor. Stephen, the leader of the delinquents have regained his consciousness. But he can't even talk because his mouth is stuffed with his shirt.

He looked at him with his gazing eyes. Stephen looks down on the ground and did not want to look eye to eye with him. After that they all went out of the building and return to ha Jung place residence.

When they arrive it was only Percival and Ha Jung. The door opened and Ha Jung's mother was the one who opened the door. After seeing his son for almost 24 hrs, they saw him wounded with blood all over his face. They quickly get into Ha Jung's father's car and headed to the nearest hospital.

They rushed Ha Jung to the emergency and luckily there are no other complications rather than the open wound on the face because of the beating that he received. Ha Jung's mother turned to Percival, who was standing next to them.

"Thank you for saving my son, thank you very much," while holding his hand with her teary eyes that dripping from his cheeks. While Ha Jung's father tapped Percival's shoulder a sign of thank you.

Percival nods and heads home. When he got home, Ha Jung's father has already notified what Percival did. And He got surprised when his mother hug him tight saying "Please always be safe in my child" He felt her tears dripping to his blood shirt. While his father looked at him proud that he helped his friend for the greater good. When they entered the house.

They prepare Percival with a meal. His favorite is a small celebration for what he did for others who can't fight. A sacrifice that not all people can make. They all smiled and ended the celebration not that early, because He told the fights and how did they find Ha Jung. After the storytelling, he received the violet interface. [You have gained 2 charisma]

When he looked it was already 11:30 pm and its time for him to take a bath and get some sleep because tomorrow will be a lot busier than usual. Gallacia, who is observing him as a player of the Level up System. Notice why he is the one that is chosen by it. Because of the personality and characteristic of a real Player that needed by others and can be relied upon in times of need.