Fallen Crown

"Are you really just going to block all my attacks and would not try to attack, huh?" he tried to force a straight jab, then he felt something. Muscle cramp like electricity it tightens his muscles. That is the moment that Percival has been waiting. He sent a straight punch that knocks Prince down to the ground.

When Prince landed on the ground, his nose dripped blood from the hole. He leans back to the ground and opens his eyes. He did not expect that he will receive a punch. The punch that made him embarrass to the entire school. He bites his lip and charge forward, but when he leaned forward, he received a kick from Percival.

The kick made Prince land back again to the ground, face first. While his ass facing him. He smirked while the others behind him laughed at Prince.

"What are you now staying there like a dog stand up!" Percival kicks his ass hard, that even made Prince's face grazed with pebble sharp rocks. He clenched his fist and once again charge towards while maintain his fighting position. But Percival releases a left hook.

Then followed by a punch on the stomach, then connect it with a straight jab on the face to get an opening for the last combo shot an upper cut. He sees the opening he launched his last punch. And his fist hits the jaw of Prince, lifting him up a little, then he followed it with a kick on the chest which launched Prince across his subordinates.

Percival looks at the next opponent. "Hey! Doggy! Are you still willing to fight me? Or are you going against your word of a 3v3 fight?" he mocks Prince's performance in the fight.

But he has no choice but to order his men to attack while their leader just finished fighting with their leader. Prince's subordinates were all angry with what Percival did. But they, too, didn't know how they would take down a monster like him.

They have the spirit, but the strength was too wide for them to attack all together. They will only look weak the longer they stay and wait for their leader to give an order. That is why a few of them run towards Percival and try to tackle him. But the subordinates of Jun Ho take them on.

That started the brawl between the two groups. "STOP!" Prince shouted and stands up from where he was lying down. "Stop fighting, you dumb shits. We lost this battle. All of you move!" He walks slowly while he sees his lieutenant knocked out while Percival is holding his collar. He then turns his head to the walking fallen leader. "What do you still want some beating huh?" He asked while his tone of voice is being authoritative.

"Shut your mouth. I can still fight even we lose this battle. I won't shame my name on this fight because I easily fall!" His words were tough, but from Percival's conclusion, those words don't have weight on it. "Well then, you have your fight" He punched the face of his lieutenant before dropping the knocked out body on the ground.

Once again, a circle formed in the middle of the courtyard. But this is a battle between bloody Prince versus the fresh face Percival raising his hand. The first one to attack is Percival kicking Prince's legs, which made Prince kneel to the ground.

Then he connected it with a direct punch on the jaw. Prince drops to the ground when he received the punch on his jaw. While he steps back and gives some space to his enemy. "Make him breath because I am sure he will sleep for the rest of the day." He laughed, and that continued the brawl. Blood and fist where all around.

The brawl stopped when the teachers stepped in. "Teachers are here. I guess their payment is supposed to not make this public. The fall of the monarch." He looks at the unconscious Prince. While he sneaks away and head to one of the nearest cubicle.

"That was close. I don't want to receive detention." He sighs in relief while leaning on the door of the cubicle. After 30 minutes, he walks out of the door and there he sees a few subordinates of Vince.

"Hey!" he called their attention and when they turn their heads to the person who called. They all changed and stands up and gives him a respectful bow. "Nice. I thought you guys will not bow to me. After the fight earlier." All 5 of them raised their heads after they gave their respectful bow to him.

"So what happened to the 1st year and 2nd year students that joined the fight earlier?" he asked while Gallacia is checking the signs if they are lying to him. "They got sent to a classroom and receive a lecture on how to avoid fighting and forming groups."

[You have gained 1 charisma] "Is that so well what about the group of the 4th year and the 3rd year?" one subordinates answered to his question. "As you can see, sir. We are here outside free from those nonsense lectures that they are giving." [You have gained 1 charisma.

"Tell me more. What happened to your leaders?" he asked again, and the subordinates did not leave a single lie to their words. They all confess that their leaders are sent to the infirmary and being treated.

At the end of the conversation, each one of them received a punch in the face. He walks to the door of the academy. And hide from the eyes of some teachers. When he reached the infirmary. He opened the door and sees 2 girls with their panties and bra. While Prince and Vince were smiling.

"I guess the invitation for me got delayed for this kind of victory party, huh? You two bow down to your leader and the two girls. I want you to wear those uniforms and get out of the infirmary." He orders while his aura is changing the cheerful atmosphere.

Both Prince and Vince bow down in front of him. And both of them received a punching the face. Vince drops to the ground while Prince received two punches because he holds his infirmary gown while punching him repeatedly.

"Did I not told you to watch yourself huh!" [You have gained 1 charisma] with his anger pouring then the last punch he connects it with a kick on the jaw of Prince.

"Next time you play with girls here our school and treat them below you. The the punch and kick I gave will not the only thing that you will receive from me, got it?" His fierce eyes looks down on Prince like a gigantic mountain.