Grind (4)

"This is making the battle long. I need to strike hard on the queen. Gallacia, is there a skill you have that you can identify the enemy's weakness?" He ask while he retreats because three giant wasp soldiers are trying to grab him and change his course. While the other giant wasp workers are attending to the wound that Yeong Jin has implicated.

She replied after the question, "Player, I have that kind of skill, but are you sure that you are going to use this skill on the giant wasp queen?" she looks at Yeong Jin, who is fighting three giant wasp workers.

"Yes, of course," he reply because he know he has no choice but use Gallacia in a fight that is in his disadvantage to become his advantage. "Then you need to wait for 20 minutes before I can activate that skill and then you can see every each of that body weakness." He nodded and but he also facing the 3 giant wasp workers who were getting closer and closer to Yeong Jin. But they did not know that he wanted this to control their space and attack speed.

The longer the giant wasp workers attack, the higher the change that their energy will decrease. And from that, he could easily defeat each of the giant wasp worker that is attacking him. That happened after 2 minutes of the constant attacks of the giant wasp workers.

"Well, after fighting many of these insects habits of their codes and algorithms are absolutely amazing to observe." He swings his venom plasma sword, and it sliced a clean head in half. Then he dodged the second attack of the second giant wasp worker. After dodging its attack, he slashed every limb that it has and then kicks it back before stabbing the third giant wasp that is about 3 steps on his right.

Now that the only one alive is the second giant wasp worker. He dashed forward because the second giant wasp worker turns around and tries to flee. And when he reached the second giant wasp worker using speed kill.

The giant wasp worker head flies mid air before rolling on the floor. He stands firm, looking at the giant wasp queen who just recovered from the wound that he received from fighting Yeong Jin. "I have successfully operated the all weakness Eagle Eye skill. Let me share it to you player," she say with her robotic tone.

"Well Done, activate. Eagle Eye Skill" [You have bypass moderator sequence player.] [Access granted] [Activating skill confirmation from moderator] [Access confirmation confirmed] [Skill unlock]

From all the interface that appeared after his activation, his eye change into a red bloody iris while the pupil change into a bright yellow. Then the entire place change into a 4 dimensional space which he can also see everything. From the weakness of the giant wasp queen to the interior of the entire colony. But the problem is that he can only see one target. And the target he locked is on the giant wasp queen that is in front of him.

He raised his hand while gripping his venom plasma sword. He rushed forward and dodged the attacks of the giant wasp queen. "I don't think by letting your giant wasp kids will probably to block me from coming at you!" he shouted and jumps to evade an incoming sting attack from a giant wasp soldier. He smirked and then he turns around, swings his venom plasma sword and slashed the giant wasp soldier in half.

Every time that Yeong Jin kills one of the giant wasp soldiers or workers, the queen receives pain psychologically and mentally. Even though the systems apply, sadly, players can only see their physical damage on the monster and not the other type of damage. That's why Star's legacy became too complex to test. And became much more challenging.

Because of the strategies of players can contribute to their win using psychological attacks and mental attacks on enemies. But this kind of technique and strategy are hard, especially if they are weak and have low intelligence to start off as a player.

That is why there are still some studies and runs through in studying such tactics. The pain and the fury of the Wasp Queen have changed the entire atmosphere of the surrounding. But what the Queen wasp did not know is that he still has an ace up his sleeves. And that is the jelly red pheromone.

The extract of the pheromone of a queen that can be ingested and, if ingested, like what he did last time accidentally. He can hypnotize the other wasp in thinking that he is the queen. And because he also has strength that can compare to the Queen wasp. It is easy for him to pretend that he can be the queen that the other wasp can protect.

40 wasp entered the lair of the queen wasp. 20 giant wasp soldiers that remain and 20 giant workers that escape from the wasp that Yeong Jin have release earlier at the entrance. The pheromone first attracts the giant wasp workers.

The Queen wasp only watched as she sees her children are being swayed by a simple pheromone that some giant wasp workers have extracted from her. Because of that, she raised her hand and pointed it at Yeong Jin's location.

She then screamed "Attack!" with the voice of a rusty old woman and the 20 giant wasp soldier's attack by the order of their queen. Luckily, the wasps that he has gained from the precious battles outside of the colony have rushed to his aide. And blocks the 20 giant wasp soldiers that have aimed their stings at him. The battle got fierce as wasp vs wasp fight. And while this is happening, the queen wasp also felt destroyed as she sees her children were battling one another and not the raider.

She clenched her fist. Then charge forward with her legs. She also tries to take down a few of her wasp children, but to no avail. They are fully loyal to the Yeong Jin pheromone. "What kind of pheromone have you used to, my children?" she screamed again. While Yeong Jin is sneakily hiding from the side of the lair of the Wasp Queen. Meanwhile, the Wasp Queen focuses her strategy on the battle that is in front of her.

He aimed his venom plasma sword at her. Then whisper "Green Light target locked" with the assist of the Eagle Eye. He also has aimed at the weak spot of the Queen wasp. The energy that has gathered at the center of the two bladed venom plasma sword fired.

The laser goes straight into the thick exoskeleton of the queen wasp. It pierces through the flesh and comes out on the other side. There was no explosion. There was only smoke after the laser disappear after the entire energy fired out to the target location.

It created a large hole that he can stand upright inside of the hole. After the queen died, the entire giant wasp colony went in an uproar as they see the queen laying on the ground while its green slimy liquid coming out from the hole. Then three interfaces appear.

[Congratulations! You have defeated the Wasp Queen Vespa] [You have 1 public announcement]

Then a tab at the upper right of his view appears his name and the time he used to kill the Wasp Queen Vespa

[Title granted to player: Slayer of the Wasp Queen Vespa]

[Bonus applied permanent: 5 additional stat in strength, 10 additional stat in speed, 15 additional stat in power]

[Quest Log updated]

[Turf War: Because of a new colony have sprung the larger colony has found its queen and kill]

[New quest log task: kill the Wasp Queen 1/1]