9th Coalition (1)

"Open Quest Log," He whispers, and the interface appears in front of him.

[Quest Log activated]

[Quest Log Update]

[Current Quest are:]

[Quest Active]

[Gaining popularity and pocket money!]

[Talk to 40 people 40/40]

[Get into conversation 20 times 10/20]

[Play slot machine 50 times 0/50]

[Play a gambling game for 30 times 0/30]

"So I still need to play gambling games and to have a lot of conversation to increase my charisma and my luck with that. I sure have a significant advantage among people. That will be both good for me." He smiles. The class ended, and it was break he stands up and he seems did not see both Luke and Remiel around, so he heads down to the cafeteria.

When he arrived at the cafeteria, there were many people that were trying to buy buns and food at the store. "Lucky me I have a pack lunch," He whisper sits at one of the vacant table. There are still some eyes that are looking at him. And when he looks at them back, they turn their gaze elsewhere.

"These people, I really don't know if they are watching me move or they are just unaware that I really feel their gaze on me." He'd whisper. He sits on the long bench and opens the packed lunch. He eats it carefully and tasting the flavor of the cooked dish that his mother has prepared.

20 minutes passed and a member of the alliance comes to him. First, the member bowed to greet the alliance leader. He turns his head and said, "Don't tell me there is still a problem?" Percival asks his gaze change and even the atmosphere of the entire cafeteria.

"Alliance leader, we have a minor problem." The member said, and Percival reply with a limit word. "And that is?" the member got nervous in front of him because of the aura that he has been excreting from the start of their conversation. He tried to lower it and the member felt comfortable.

"Sir, the problem is that we have lost 2 squads near the North-East station. And then we can't find Luke and Remiel. There seem to be coordinated attacks from different schools today. And from what the Prince and Vince have been thinking is that they want the Rocket Technical High School King to appear and show them what you got."

"I feel like they are declaring war against me. Are they really sure about this?" He asked the member, but the member remains quiet. From where he was sitting, he stood up. He walks out of the cafeteria and heads to the classroom.

Percival walks to his table and puts the lunch inside of his back before unhooking his bag from the chair. He turns around and, like what he has expected, Prince the 4th year gang leader and Vince the 3rd year gang leader. We're waiting at the door of his classroom.

"We are here, alliance leader. As you wanted," Prince said while stepping back when he sees Percival is walking straight at them. Even Vince steps aside. Then Percival stops in front of Prince and turn his head, looking at his eyes.

"You know, there are things that should have left alone from the start. But they did not want to be at peace. So we will give them what they want" He said those words were strong enough to shake his entire dignity.

Percival walks out of the main building and head to the place where the bikes are parked. He unlocks his bike while the rest of the group follows. Prince asked "Alliance leader where are we going?" and Percival answer "To their hideout the Coalition hide out." That is when Prince smile same as Vince.


"What?! Almost 45 students have gone missing since break? What is happening?" Mr. Toshiko, the adviser of Prince class. "We are also contacting the police as of the moment, but right now there have been a lot of cases from other schools that their students have gone missing." Ms. Rivera, the head faculty teacher.

"We need to talk to the principal about this. He needs to know what is happening in his school." Mr.De Castro the Prefect of Discipline.

"That is what we are trying to do, but the Principal does not want to take action because of what happened last time. They gave him a warning about going to be demoted by the education board of the 9th prefecture.

If that happens, there will only be one person among us that will replace him." Ms. Rivera smiles while the others change their attitudes to each other.

[9th Prefecture Coalition hide out]

"So this is the building. It seems nice, but they are too poor. If this is the coalition hide out, it should be 6 floors more. But this building is like a damn abandoned mall turned to a hide out a bar and a well-designed place to mingle hoodlums alike." He commented.

One of the coalition part schools spotted them. And immediately informed the head of the coalition, the leader.

The door open abruptly. The leader of the coalition turns his head to the location where the door is. "Who the hell-" the leader said while he was playing with a girl under his table.

"What do you want, Leo?" the leader asked. "We have visitors from the Rocket Technical High School. They said that the coalition has aligned itself with a wrong school." Leo ended his sentence, then the leader answered him. "And which of the schools are these?" and Leo quickly answer with "All of them." That is when the leader stands up.

"These scumbags don't know who is the real boss around here. They did not know who to follow, huh? Well then, I think they are going to face the consequence of facing the leader of the 9th prefecture coalition leader."

He ends his sentences and Leo followed him downstairs. While he was walking down, he ordered Leo to mobilize all available forces in the area and let them head to the Mall. That is what Leo did. He contacted all captains of each the of schools and starts relying orders from the leader.

"Why are these people so damn slow? Are they afraid of me or they are just stupid that sitting in a chair up high, they don't know how to walk?" Percival mocks the coalition. After 20 minutes, the representative of the coalition arrived, and they all gathered at the gate of the coalition.

The door opened and Percival see a man with a black coat, the crest of its school on its left collar. The hair of the leader is dark brown, then his body's complexion is distinguishable because of the height and the way he style himself. Percival comments while looking at the coalition leader. "His height is around 5'9 ft no? It's not a big problem for a guy that needs many people beside him."

The leader crossed his arm. And looks at the person with black hair and glasses standing in the middle while all of his underlings are at his side. The person who has a different animosity from the others.