
Percival sits on the chair facing the door of the principal office. While Shae receives an order to head back to class. While waiting for the principal to let him into the office. He purposely touching his lips and remembering what he did.

"I cannot believe I just did that."

He said silently while smiling and blushing. Then the door opened the principal see him smiling and blushing because of his red face.

"What are you doing, Mr. Ruiz? Please head inside?"

Percival stands and heads inside of the office. He stood while the principal takes his sit first.

"Take a sit."

The principal ordered, and that is the time where he sits on the chair facing the principal.

"Mr. Ruiz, I know that you have control over the alliance of this school. But that does not mean you can beat the shit out of every student in my school."

He looks at Percival angrily, but still he could hold it in. But how Percival looks at him back is interesting, because there seems to be no emotion. A plain normal face looking straight into his eyes.

"But the thing is, principally, I did not do the first move. It was a self defence, and even if you watch the cctv, I am proved innocent. And I am innocent. The only thing is no one see my do something to Fidel."

He smirks while looking at the principal, who is stunned by his explanation. That is when a knock on the door echo inside of the office.

"Come in."

The principal ordered, and the door opens walking towards them was the teacher who found Percival.

"Why are you lying, Mr. Ruiz? I see both of my eyes that you punch Mr. Dela Ganzo in the face, knocking him out."

The teacher stands in front of the principal while at the side is Percival. Then he looks at Percival with a distinct look.

"Gallacia open this teacher's Main information."

He whisper while looking at Gallacia, who is floating around the teacher.

[Main Information]

[name: Regalado Dela Cruz Ganzo]

[Level: 5]



[Tittle: Professional Teacher]

[Stat point Available: 0]

[Stats Data]


Intelligence: 120

Charisma: 40

Endurance: 40

Agility: 40

Luck: 20

"I never expect that this teacher will be that cunning and want me to be expelled from this school."

He whisper while looking down on the floor of the office. While the teacher continues to talk nonsense after, nonsense added by fake stories and exaggeration from rumors.

"Are we going to believe rumors and gossips are now facts? Because the teacher that is trying to expel me is using that."

[You have gained 2 charisma]

Percival butts in while Mr. Ganzo is explaining to the principal why Percival should receive the consequence, and that is expulsion from the school. He then looks at Percival and glared at him.

"Principal, please look into this matter, expelling this boy will do us more good that harm!"

But the principal is hesitating because he also knows that if they expel Percival, he still controls the students by his minions. He looks at the paper right in front of him. The papers that will ensure the expulsion of Percival. The only thing that is lacking is the signature.

"I will think about this, Percival. You may return to your class."

Principal ordered and Percival stands up, looks at the eyes of Mr. Ganzo before walking towards the door. When he walks out of the office, he felt relieve slight.


He enters the classroom and when he did. All of his classmates started looking at him with disgraceful eyes. While only Shae looks at him differently, so he felt comfortable.

He goes back to his seat and looks at the window. And while looking at the window, he sees that Mr. Ganzo hands a paper envelope to a delinquent.

"Look, what do we have here? The person who is trying to expel me really wanted attention."

Percival looks around, finding Remiel around, and he notices at the back when he turns his head. That Remiel is sleeping in class, he then gets a piece a paper from his notebook and writes.

(I want you to take a few of the boys and find out who is behind Mr.Ganzo informant. I want that person in front of me tomorrow night at the hideout.)

He then closed the paper and folds it in 4. Then he turns around ordered a minion which was sitting behind him to pass the paper to their year leader, which is Remiel. Remiel, sleeping silently, felt a tap on his shoulder. He raised his head and slowly opens his eyes.

"What is this for?" He asked while looking at the paper.

The minion reply silently so the teacher will not spot them.

"It came from the Alliance leader."

After the minion said that, Remiel quickly grab the paper and goes back to his position, which was putting his head down. Then he unfolds the paper and reads it. After reading the paper, he raised his head with a serious gaze.

"This is what I have been waiting for. Someone that will pay some price from messing the Alliance leader"

He smiles evil while his other classmates looked at him awkwardly. When he noticed he smiled that way, he return to putting his head down.


Class ended, and the bell rang for the dismissal of students. Percival grabs his bag and stands up, then he turns around, looking straight into Shae's eyes. While, Remiel and his gang walk out of the classroom to get the job done.

"Hmmm, do you wanna grab a drink and eat?"

Percival asked her out calmly to avoid his face, blushing. Shae's reply while her face blush. Because it was the first time that a boy asked her. She then put her hands on her back and hold it.

"Sure, why not? But I have a curfew. I need to go home by 6:00 Pm or else my dad will surely get angry at me."

Percival looks at the time and he sees that it's only 2:30 PM and he still have a lot of time for them to hang. He smiles at her and replies.

"Sure, that will be no problem at all. Let's go. I know a place that we could hang and have fun."

Both of them walks out of the classroom. And heads to the bike parking lot.

"You also have a bike?"

She asked, while looking at him.

"Yes, I do. That is my bike over there."

He points at his bike, that is parked at the easiest place to get. And there is no bike that is beside or in front of it. Like all the students are afraid of him.

At that moment Percival have thought why Shae differs from the other students. But because she was the one that took Percival's first kiss. He wanted to know her more in a good way, even though there was still a bit of suspicion.

When they get on their bike. Percival is the one who leads the pedal and lets her follow him.

They soon arrived at the known local ramen shop near the school. Luckily for Percival, Shae really loves ramen in a day. When they get off the bike, Shae smiles at him. Percival, who is clueless why is she smiling, he asks her.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

[You have gained 1 charisma.

Then she replies in a giggle manner.

"I really like ramen and how did you know that?"

He grabs her hand and enters the shop. His reply was only a smile. That is because it was a lucky guess. That is when both of them felt comfortable slightly with each other's presence.