Pointing Finger (1)

[Power Stones please- author]

Percival arrived at the school safely. But while he was entering the school gate, he sees 5 students not from their school waiting outside of the gate.

From what he analyze from the students that were waiting outside of their school is that their uniforms seem like they all faked it. So that they will look ragged or even be called a delinquent.

"I did not expect that Mr. Ganzo will put more effort into creating this kind of scenario. And if my people and his people fight. Someone will surely blame it to me because he know I am the alliance head of the entire school."

When he reached the bike parking area, he quickly chatted Remiel and the rest of the junior leaders to not touch the people that were at the gate.

"I will make his day ruined as it gets. That is what I am going to do today: make him feel he is a worthless human that needs to work more times that he did not than ever."

Percival smiles while thinking of those words in his mind. After locking his bike and then he turns around, that is the time he sees Shae waiting for him. He smiles at Shae. In response, she also smiled at him and then grabs his arm.

"He-hey Shae, what are you even doing!?"

He got confused and embarrass at the same time. Because it was the first time that a girl will hold his arm and look at him that way.

While they were walking down the hallway, the other student have looked at them. And gossips circulated throughout the entire school.

"I did not expect that the Alliance leader will have a part this semester."

Remiel commented while he stretched his arm and received the message from the fake delinquents in front of the room. That are trying to scare the other students. But because Percival ordered not to touch the fake delinquents. They stay still on their desk and wait for further orders.

"Hey boss Vince, have you heard the rumors that have circulated among the lower years?"

One minion of Vince whisper to him while he was taking a nape. And then he raised his head when he heard that there was something around the school. And it was also the time that he received the message that came from the Alliance leader.

"If it's a rumor about the Alliance leader, I don't want to hear it. Because it will just cause problems for me and if you guys want to make problems for yourselves, don't make me join them. We also have a problem as of the moment. There are fake delinquents outside of the gate of our school. But the Alliance leader does not want to order us to beat them. That only means there is something up to the teachers. That our Alliance leader is cautious of."

It amazed Vince's minions on his analyzing. Because it was the first time that their young leader had that words said to them.

"We got you, young leader."

The minion replied to him. While they all return to their task that were assigned to them.


Shae and Percival entered the room and all their classmates started looking at them. That is the first time that he was flustering and blushing. And when he arrived at his seat, he seated quickly and did not even look at her. Shae tilts her head and confused why Percival is not looking at her.

Then when he has mustered enough strength and was about to talk to Shae. The teacher entered the class, and they were all asked to stand up to greet the teacher. Then suddenly a student from a different section shouted. That caught the attention of the entire year level.

"There is something at the gate. There are some riots at the front gate."

When the students hear that kind of news, they all head to the windows to look at what is happening. Even their teacher in front got ignore by his students.

"All of you, get back here in this instant!"

An angry voice of the teacher as he holds his stick, but that is when he looks at what is happening outside. That is when they see that Professor Ganzo is being beaten up by the delinquents.

"I did not expect that he will be stupid and let him get beaten by those scum. If only he offered me money, I will be even the one to punch his face straight and make his face bleed until it covered his entire face in blood. This kind of fight is boring. I should get back to my sit."

Percival commented while the other students cheer on the delinquent group for beating up an adult.

"Go Delinquents we cheer you on! Go Delinquents!"

The students started cheering, and the teachers who were present start reprimanding the ones who started it. Even the teachers could also do nothing. The only thing that they could do was call the cops. Because they are afraid that if they beat up a student, it could revoke their license.


His face got punched, his stomach receive a kick. And then one delinquent grabs his collar and then drops him to the ground hard.

Then they all gang up on him, striking him in every part that is possible. The face of the Mr. Ganzo covered in blood and then his body is aching in pain.

Luckily a police sired sounded, and the delinquents ran. While the police arrived at the location, they helped Mr. Ganzo in entering the infirmary of the school where he lays down.

The principal entered the infirmary. He sways the curtains with the principal are the other teachers that are part of the council.

"Mr. Ganzo, are you alright? Do you want to take a leave of absence? Don't worry about the hospital bills. We have already asked the department of education regarding that. And as of now, you are free."

He smiles same with the other teachers who giving him food. Because they also know that the food in the cafeteria is not even good enough for the students and the principal have already asked, but it remains close.

"Who do you think did this, Mr. Ganzo? Do you have any affiliations on regarding mobsters in the town?"

The principal asked, but Mr Ganzo denied those claims but. The claims that he is believing are the only truth. So he look at the eyes of the principal and said.

"It was done and planned by Percival Ruiz. Because he is the only that could control delinquents like them alike. They also cure each other with this kind of job that has been dirty since the start."

The principal got confused because he has seen Percival entering the school without those delinquents greeting him. That is the things that do not add up.

"I will think about that kind of possiblity, but I am still hesitant that we should expel a child without the evidences. Because it will also reflect on the school's name, we are not like the other school that has a strict identity bias."