


A demon and a human embraced each other tightly.

"I didn't think you were teleported to this place with me! I should've looked for you!" Isaac felt terrible. For days he had enjoyed nothing but a comfortable bed and even secured himself a job. Even when there were people who didn't like him, there were even more who offered their hands. He had been living a bountiful life, but what of his friend who he had implicated?

"It is all right my brother. You must have been preoccupied by the many trials and tribulations the Eldar Forge has presented you. I do not hold a grudge against a person who has no control over what happens, nor to a friend who has been thrown into a peculiar scenario."

Three women looked on in absolute confusion at the two men embracing each other. It was for a lack of a better word, creepy.

"Ugh, will the two of you cut it? You two are embarrassing." Valentine cursed at the two men