000018 Male Laws And Obligations

000018 Male Laws And Obligations


"No matter what it is.

Even if it's good for the few or the masses.

There's always many who opposes."



July 23, Saturday.


Next are the laws that pertains about males.

There is the UN conventions Male Laws for the international level.

And the National Obligations Law for the local level.


The Male Laws or Laws on Males is different from Men's Laws or Laws of Men.

Laws of Men is also called Laws of Mankind.

Which pertains to all laws created by humans.

While Male Laws is a specific laws for males only.


The UN World Health Organization was the one that promulgated the male laws as a way to solve the declining male population.

And since it's also an issue about reproduction.



There are originally only 2 male laws from the beginning.

But another was added due to the needs of time.

Then the 3 laws were collected together as a Book on Male Codes or Codes of Males.


Male Codes are collection of 3 main laws pertaining to the world conservation of men.

Which is an international convention binding the world.


The National Obligations Law are each countries own law to enact and enforce the Male Codes suitable for each country, national interest and their commitment to international convention.



There are 3 laws under the Male Codes.

First is the widely known Laws on Tasks of Males or Male Tasks Law.

Second is the Laws on Restoration of Males or Male Restoration Law.

Lastly is the Laws on Protection of Males or Male Protection Law.


Male Tasks are all the tasks of men for humanities survival.

Which mandates all men to do the task for humanities survival.

This includes population increase, procreation, marriage, relationships, and easing the frustrations of women through sexual intercourse.


Male Restoration are all task to restore the population of men.

Which mandates all country to do restoration of the population number of males.

This includes scientific research, medical and health check-ups, infertility solution and providing privileges and benefits to women who conceive and bears a male child.


Male Protection are all task to protect the almost endangered males.

Which mandates all country to do the task to protect their men.

This also includes providing security, secure place to study, crimes against men, regulations of males, trades and migrations.




The summary of the Male Codes on Male Tasks are:


1st Male Designation Rank

Adult males are mandated to get their Male Designation Rank by going through a Male Designation Ranking Test.

Which examines the male bodies for a full medical checkup.

And to have the Semen Rank, Satisfaction Rank and Male Rank privately identified.

Which is to be summarize as the Male Designation Rank.

And to be publicly publish for knowing the male capabilities.

Including giving their various benefits and privileges.


Mandatory at the age of 15.

Recommended earlier when already able to produce semen.


2nd Monthly Male Dedication

Adult males are mandated to provide and sell their semen monthly to the Sperm Bank for used in Auction or sold to the women in need for Artificial Insemination.


3rd Monthly Male Obligation

Adult males are mandated to join and participate in the random Monthly Partner Selection Lottery.

Then impregnate, copulate, pleasure and satisfy the selected woman from the lottery.


4th Monthly Male Duty

Adult males are mandated to select at least one woman of preference monthly.

Then impregnate, copulate, pleasure and satisfy the selected woman.


5th Yearly Male Donation

Adult males are mandated to provide and donate their semen at least twice yearly to the Sperm Bank.

For use on Free Artificial Insemination for unfortunate women.

And for reservations in case of future emergency.


6th Yearly Male Devotion

Adult males are mandated to join the government sponsored event at least 6 times a year.

Wether it's for socializing and public or private events for the population.


7th Yearly Male Fidelity

Adult males are mandated to yearly impregnate, pleasure and satisfy each of their wives, concubines and mistresses.

And give at least 1 boy child for each wives and concubines.

Recommended also for mistresses and other women in intimate relationships.


8th Legal Male Prostitutes

Adult males are mandated to work as a paid Legal Male Prostitutes for women if any male had Infertility.


9th Legal Male Seeder

Adult males are mandated to do Male Obligation using weekly lottery if any male had Premature Ejaculation.


10th Legal Male Circumcision

Adult males are mandated to go for circumcision for both Male Prostitutes and Male Seeder to satisfy women.

Recommended for all adult males.


11th Legal Drugs

Adult males are mandated to use legal drugs to pleasure and satisfy a woman.


12th Legal Marriage

Adult males are mandated to have at least 5 wives and several concubines.

And to have an intimate relationship and family.


13th Legal Relationship

Adult males are mandated to have intimate relationship outside marriage such as having Mistresses and Lovers to please more women.


14th Benefits and Privileges

Adult males are mandated to use the given Benefits and Privileges of ranks for their own and for their family.


15th Male Commitment

Adult males are mandated to do all the Male Tasks until after the age of 50.




The summary of the Male Codes on Male Restoration are:


1st Male Restoration

The government is mandated to restore the population of males.


2nd Research Institute

The government is mandated to create a research institute to study and research male problems such as infertility to restore the population of males.


3rd Exclusive Medical Facilities

The government is mandated to create an exclusive medical facilities for males medical needs, medical checkup and rank test lab for males.


4th Exclusive Educational Facilities

The government is mandated to have an exclusive male educational facilities for males educational needs.


5th Integrated Coeducational Facilities

The government is mandated to create coeducational facilities for males and females educational needs.

And allows interaction and recommend establishing long term relationships.

All Necessities such equipment and tools, medical facility and security should be provided.


6th Reproductive Leisure Facilities

The government is mandated to create reproductive leisure facilities such as resorts for males to give leisure for men.

And allow mandatory copulation of women visitors privately without worries.

All Necessities such equipment and tools, medical facility and security should be provided.


7th Reproductive Zones

The government is mandated to have an area for reproductive zones such as in coeducational facilities which mandates males to have copulation with females.


8th Male Bearer Benefits and Privileges

The government is mandated to give benefits and privileges to women who bears a male child that helps restore the male population.


9th Male Child Benefits and Privileges

The government is mandated to give benefits and privileges to a male child such as medical checkup, health regulations and monitoring.


10th Male Events

The government is mandated to have yearly event for males to socialize with fellow males.


11th Male National Regulation

The government is mandated to regulate the number of males in an area to cover as many ground as possible.


12th Male International Regulation

The government is mandated to trade an excess number of males.

Specially male prostitutes and seeders to countries with low numbers of male prostitutes.


13th National Reproductive Bureau

The government is mandated to create an exclusive agency for all things related to males.

This includes the lottery management, male management, ranking management, benefits and privileges management and security management.

This also includes coordination with the WHO and other related agencies.



The summary of the Male Codes on Male Protection are:


1st Male Protection

The government is mandated to protect the males from any dangers, harms or hazards.


2nd Male Security

The government is mandated to create an exclusive security agencies for males.

And provide the benefits for security based on Male Ranks.


3rd Male Facilities

The government is mandated to have adequate security for male related facilities.


4th Male Crimes

The government is mandated to punish anyone that commit crimes against males.


5th Male Adoption

The government is mandated to create a legal affairs for the adoption of male childrens including counseling.


6th Male Trade

The government is mandated to allow and regulate male trading using government auction.

And allows everyone who wanted male for adoption to participate.


7th Male Migration

The government is mandated to allows migrations of males without hindering their freedom.



And so on...

This is mostly the summary of the Male codes.

The details will be too deep because there are too many explanations.


There are also many laws I haven't even heard of.

Specially the reproductive zones.

Which is like an area with forced sexual confrontation.




As for the guidelines for Male Designated Rankings.

A summarize information was given in the male codes.

But was mostly separated as a medical knowledge and guidelines.


Only the WHO has the authority that can give the Male Designation Ranking.

But it has every affiliated medical institutions and organizations do the local procedures for testing and examinations of every males.


The results and samples will be forwarded to the WHO branch for verification.

Then the rank will be given and forwarded to the National Reproductive Bureau.


The National Reproductive Bureau will create a valid ID for the male with given ranks.

They will also ready all the documents necessary including the benefits and privileges.




Before a man can start his Male Tasks.

It is necessary to rank a man.

The process to get a rank is known as Male Designation Ranking Test.

Commonly known as Designation Test or Ranking Test or Male Test.




To summarize Male Designation Rankings.

There are Ranks and Rating.


Rating is used to rate different type of specifications or category.

While Rank is the sum of the ratings of a single classification.


Each rank had 3 varying criterions.

And each criteria had 7 ratings.


Ratings are from

A - Excellent Rating

B - Best Rating

C - Better Rating

D - Good Rating

E - Low Rating

F - Lowest Rating

X - Failed Rating


The Male Designation Rank is also a 3 letter rating.

Which is averaging the Semen Rank, Male Rank and Satisfaction Rank into 1 letter each.

Which became the total Male Designation Rank.

And the rank will be publish publicly.

The higher the Designated Rank.

The higher the benefits and privileges provided for each males.



There are 3 types of Designation Ranks.


1st is the Semen Rank.

It is a 3 letter ranking such as AAA or ABC.

Which rate a 3 category of Quality, Quantity and Fertility.


It is a private rank unknown to the public other than Hospitals.

It is used to determine the fertility of a man.

On how much health and potency the sperm is.


The higher the semen's quality, quantity and fertility.

The higher the Semen Rank and value, purchase and auction fees.

It is also one way of earning additional income by males.



2nd is the Satisfaction Rank.

It is also a 3 letter ranking to rate males manhood itself.

Which rate a 3 category of Penis Length, Width, Natural Robustness.


It is a private rank unknown to the public other than Brothels.

It is used to determine the size of male's manhood or penis.

On how much pleasure and satisfaction they can give to a woman.


The bigger the penis size.

The higher the Satisfaction Rank and Prostitute fees or Male fees.

It is also one way of earning additional income by males.



3rd is the Virility Rank.

It is also a 3 letter ranking to rate the males endurance.

Which rate a 3 category of 3 Consecutive Ejaculation Amount, Consecutive Erections and Time Interval.


It is a private rank unknown to the public other than Lottery.

It is used to determine the amount of continuous ejaculation and erection.

On how much sexual energy, sexual drive or sexual strength they had.

If they can continuously do several rounds of sexual intercourse.


The higher the man's endurance.

The higher the Virility Rank and Lottery participation cost.

It is also one way of earning additional income by males.




Those who had Infertility, Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation will immediately fall as male prostitutes or seeders.


A man with Infertility can have rank of FFX on Semen Rank.

A man with Erectile Dysfunction can have rank of FFX on Satisfaction Rank.

And a man with Premature Ejaculation can have rank of FFX on Virility Rank.


The man with Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation will be retested again.

With the use of legal drugs such as erection drugs.

But the 3rd rating will be kept as failed.

And the failing rating can only be retested only twice a year.



The most important rank for reproduction is the Semen Rank.

Semen Rank doesn't need endurance or big penis.

It doesn't matter if there's no sex or copulation with a man.

All that matters is that the Semen potential is good.

Nutritional Supplement are also commonly used.


But the most important rank for women's sexual satisfaction is the Satisfaction Rank.

Satisfaction Rank seems to care for penis size.

It doesn't matter if the man is infertile or has low stamina or endurance or sexual energy and sexual drive.

All that matters is that the penis is big and satisfying.

Erection drugs are also commonly used.


And for women's sexual pleasure is the Virility Rank.

Virility Rank seems to care for sexual energy and sexual drive.

And getting natural pregnancy.

It doesn't matter if the man penis is small.

All that matters is that the man can endure on the bed.

And can do multiple rounds.

Aphrodisiacs are also commonly used.


These 3 Ranks is widely used to identify every male capabilities.

And most women specially the rich will flock the one with the highest rank of their choices.




As for the history of how the male codes were created.


The 1950s was the start of awareness of male population decline.

And female population drastic increase.


1960s was the 1st ratification of Law on Tasks of Males for humanities survival.

And Laws on Restoration of Males for restoration of male population.


+Due to the increasing number of unmarried women.

It allows the polygamy for men and recommend having many children.


+Due to the number of unmarried woman who can't have a husband.

Artificial Insemination was recommended to unmarried women.


+WHO Sperm Bank was established and sets the sperm's class ratings of sperms.

+Semen Rank was created.


+Due to the increasing demand for Artificial Insemination.

Men were mandated to sell their sperm once a month also known as Monthly Male Dedication


+Due to the need to store more sperms for future needs and contingencies.

Men were mandated to donate semen once a year also known as Yearly Male Donation.


+Due to the decrease of male childrens being born.

Research institute and medical tests were conducted.



1970s was the 2nd ratification of Law on Tasks of Males and Laws on Restoration of Males.

+Due to the still increasing number of unmarried women.

Polygamy of men was forced to minimum of 5 wives and allow concubines.


+Due to the number of women who also wants relationship with a man.

Mistresses including lovers outside marriage were legally allowed..


+Due to the complaints of men not being able to support their family.

Benefits and privileges were given to men to support the growing number of family members.


+Male Designation Rank was created to differentiate privileges and benefits by ranks.

+Wives were also tasked to work for their husband.


+WHO standardized new class rankings with 3 ratings for Semen Rank and Satisfaction Rank.



1980s was the 3rd ratification of Law on Tasks of Males and Laws on Restoration of Males.

+Due to the increasing frustration of unmarried women.

The monthly lottery was created to give chance to women have an intimate encounter with men also known as Monthly Male Obligation.


+Due to the lotteries low chance of winning.

Males are mandated to impregnate many women on a government sponsored event also known as Yearly Male Duty.


+WHO standardized the Benefits and Privileges of men was also standardized based on new ranks.


+Due to the increasing attack on males by frustrated women.

The ratification of the Laws on Protection of Males were created.


+All laws of Male Tasks, Restoration and Protection were collected to the Codes of Males or Male Codes.



1990s was the 4th ratification of Male Codes.

+Due to the declining number of male childrens.

Men were mandated to impregnate one of their wive yearly also known as Yearly Male Fidelity.


+Any woman who bears a male child will also be given benefits and subsidies from the government.


+Due to the popularity of lottery

The Virility Rank was created to rank men's satisfaction class.

And divide the lottery classes.


+Due to the number of infertile men.

Infertile men was forced to work as Male Prostitutes.

And forced to have circumcision to satisfy frustrated women.


+Due to the increasing number of attack on men by frustrated women.

Escorts were given to men as benefits depending on the Male Rank.



2000s was the 5th ratification of Male Codes.

+Due to the number of males with premature ejaculations.

Males with premature ejaculation were forced to have circumcision and do the weekly lottery.


+Due to the declining enthusiasm of men to have sex.

Men were mandated to select and impregnate a woman of their preference monthly also known as Monthly Male Duty.



2010s was the 6th ratification of Male Codes.

+Due to the number of male childrens being sold.

Regulations and Trading by auction and adoption was to be regulated under government jurisdiction.



2020s was the 7th ratification of Male Codes.

+Due to the number of males blocked for migrations.

Allow freedom for males with competition on benefits.


+Revision and review on benefits and privileges of males.



2030s was the 8th ratification of Male Codes.

+Due to the number of males dying before their 50s or retired aged.

Further countermeasures was created.

Such as increase in medical checkup and further study of legal drugs side effects.



2040s was the 9th ratification of Male Codes.

+Due to the number of female on frustration.

The number of government sponsored events were increased.

Including free vacation of male family in reproductive zone facilities such as resorts.


+Revision and review on benefits and privileges of modern males.




These 3 laws under the Male Codes are the guidelines used by each country to enforce their own National Obligations Law.

National Obligations Law of each countries varies differently.

Depending on culture, traditions and other else.


In the middle east and similar Muslim countries.

Males are mandated to hide their entire bodies including the face.

By wearing robes similar to the women's traditional black robes.


Old women also wear the robes.

But younger women don't wear them.

So that they can be spotted or seen by any males.



In India and some neighboring countries.

Males are mandated to tie their hairs and beards neatly.

While the pubic hairs are shaved cleanly.


In some part of Europe and other countries.

Males are also mandated to have cleanly shaved pubic hairs and beards.

Some western European countries had a mandatory cheeks kissing.


In all of China.

Males are mandated to go training under the Shaolin temple.

And train for kung fu martial art for self defense.

Then train to get iron balls and iron cock.

Those who failed are sent to concentration camp for several days just to be raped.

Although this earned other countries and the UN concerns.



In the US and few other countries.

Males are also shaving their pubic hair and having short hairs.

Including the use of penis enlargement pills and devices.

Males can also carry guns with rubber bullets for self defense and protection.

Some states still have differences.

Some use stun guns and some use tranquilizer guns.


In some other countries.

Males are mandated to have cock piercings or cock tattoos.

Some countries even had to enforce using a cock chastity belt.

Some countries had to go mandatory circumcision to all males.

Some countries had to totally remove pubic hair permanently.

Some countries had cock-grab and boobs greetings.

Some countries required bleaching of dark cocks and balls.

And other else.




In this country Japan.

Men are mandated to always stay clean and take a bath daily.

Including taking showers after every work out or sexual intercourse.

It's also necessary to always stay neat and proper.

Specially the clothes, hairs and wearing some light make ups.

Pubic hairs are also permanently shaved.


There's also self defense training and weapons training.

Males are also allowed to carry weapons like swords or knives as long as they obtain license.

Carrying guns are also allowed if there's a legal basis.

But still needs licenses.

And other minor obligations.



Some countries even mandates men to wear makeups.

Wether it is a simple or light make ups.

Such as South Korea.


Some cities even forced to use lipsticks instead of lipgloss!?

Is there still a need for lip mark!?

Like cheating men caught with lip mark on their clothes from the former world.


Some countries had ridiculous laws for men.

Even male tourist or male foreigners must also comply to some laws if not all.



There's also a separate law for all male tourist including male foreigners.

They were all required to stay in a reproductive zone areas.

Such as government affiliated luxury resorts and luxury hotels.

Which is a free luxury vacation spots for males.

And discounted for their families.

Where they can all receive a VIP and best treatment possible.

In return.

Men must have at least one partner from the local guest or employees every night.



Aside from the Male Codes and National Obligations.

There are also some laws for women.

But most of these laws are under the male protection laws.

It was just properly elaborated to all women.

So that every woman can comply.


But there are still many who breaks this law.




By the way.

I read in some novels of the former world that there is a legalization of rape or raping the males.

But it seems to be impossible in reality even in this world.


The reason for impossibility of legal rape is the scarcity of men.

And also because the opposition is high.


But are men in this world are also allowed to rape women?

Even if there's a very active men.

As long as the other one refuse.

It will still be a crime of rape.


Men in this world are mandated by law to impregnate or satisfy women's sexual desire.


Men has license to have sex with almost any woman.

There's no need to rape.

Including legal cheating since it's stated by laws with exemption.


If the women still refuse and the man still forced it.

It will still naturally be a crime of rape.

And both will be judged accordingly.



It might also give public contempt specially to the woman who refused a man's advances.




If raping men is legal in this reverse chastity world.

There will be confusion on the meaning of rape.

Because rape are only for forcing against the other person's will.


And also.

It's natural for the already endangered males to hole themselves in their rooms.

Or went hiding away from society.

Or immigrate to a more safer country.

It will force men to leave from the country who legalized raping men.

Even male tourist will stop coming.

And other countries will totally benefit from it.



In the case of China sending men to concentration camps.

Only fewer male tourist are visiting the country.

Due to fear of also being sent to the concentration camps as punishment.

There's also several men who wants to immigrate to other countries.

But the government are restricting and locking them so they can't leave.


There are many reverse chastity novels from the previous world with legalized rape.

Without even thinking of the consequences and wider view.



Any country can try to legalized rape..

While the one who impose legal rape will naturally suffer the most.

Which would result in further decrease of male contact or males in public places.

So it's impossible unless all countries unanimously agreed.


And every country wants benefits than to lose their men.

It's a balance that can't be understood by logic alone.


Even if all countries agreed.

The legalization of rape will still definitely corner the males.

Since all hope is lost and there's no escape.

Their mind will be filled with more fear.

It might become unstable to the point of mental breakdowns.

Suicide is also an easy viable option for males.

Therefore accelerating only the tragic losses of already endangered males.


Females are naturally stronger than males.

In terms of mental breakdowns.


This is similar to the former world thinking.

Where a female is continuously raped and violated.

The woman will also suffer mental breakdowns and eventually commit suicide.

That is true for many woman.

But there is still hope.

And there's help from people around even from the opposite sex.


But if the former world also legalize rape of women.

The result will be worst.

No help will come and no hope to cling to.


Fewer or almost no females in public places.

Other than those who aren't in the right mind or nympho.

Since all women went into hiding, imprisoned or died.

The population will easily destabilized.

Since it will also take time to have a child.


In the worst case.

If everyone you see is only males.

Some males may become gays.

Which is creepy and frustrating.


I believe in the quote.

"One should die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly." by Friedrich Nietzsche


Even I would rather choose dying.

Wether die by fighting or die by suicide bombing.


The possibility of revolution or rebellion is also probable.

But the end result may be the same.

Absence and lack of men or women in the world.

And humanities own self destruction.



It might be a little too much if all country agreed to legalized rape.

Because every country wants benefits than losses.

Even culture, traditions and morality will hinder it's legalization process.


No matter what it is.

Even if it's good for the few or the masses.

There's always many who opposes.


