Quick Changes

King Richard's eyes glowed for the first time after the sunset.

"Let me give this information to them, start your packing Arthea you would be transferred to Beast's Kingdom anytime from now" his words seemed rushed.

Arthea couldn't stop but feel lowkey disgusted for King Richard. Had he asked her to give up on her life, she would have done that happily. But the manipulation from him to bring their Royal Slave clan history only to swap her with his daughter birthed disgust in Arthea's heart.

She observed King Richard knocking the huge mahogany doors, which were guarded by wolves now.

"I need permission to inform Majesty about the good news"

Arthea couldn't get what is soo good about the news and pitied King Richard for the way he has to address some other as Majesty.

The doors were opened, she could only hear a few murmurs, and in few minutes she saw the doors closing with a thud.

Princess Alora slowly reached Arthea who was looking dejected.

"I will be indebted to you" her voice seemed shaken.

Arthea looked back at Princess Alora with accusing eyes and in seconds Alora rushed to Arthea, and broken into loud sobs.

"Forgive me Arthea, please forgive me for this" Princess Alora shrieked aloud.

Arthea softened hearing Princess Alora's sobs. She hugged back Princess tightly and controlled her tears from slipping down.

"I am glad that at least one person feels that slaves have a heart too" Irony oozed out of Arthea's voice.

"Don't speak like this Arthea, I am not strong enough to face this heartbreak, I am already broken" sobbed Princess Alora.

Arthea looked at the dead body of King Joshua, dressed in his wedding dress, everything would have been wonderful and the Castle would have been beaming with laughs and joys had the wedding commenced.

Everything has changed with one attack, one single attack from the Beast and his animal clan. Arthea could just not believe their soldiers revealing secrets, she would have chosen death rather than deceiving her kingdom.

Hearing commotion, Princess Alora distanced herself from Arthea and the doors barged open.

"Princess Alora, you need to start packing"

Both the girls stood rooted hearing King Richard's words.

"Princess Alora… you need to start" rushed King Richard.

Alora nudged Arthea's shoulder bringing her to senses and Arthea needed time to get used to the new name bestowed upon her.

"I will help you pack" Princess Alora added quickly.

As they walked to the main door, they were greeted by howls of wolves. Princess Alora gripped Arthea's hand in fear. She felt weak in legs looking at the wolves and started sweating.

Arthea just wanted to slash the necks of the growling wolves and end the pain they are going through.

"She is Princess Alora" King Richard pointed at Arthea and continues, "She is going to be the Bride of your Majesty and it's his order to start packing and this woman is her helper Arthea" King pointed at his own daughter.

A maroon coloured wolf growled allowing both the girls and followed them until chambers.

Arthea's mind was busy trying to think every possible way to escape the sheer torture of being the Bride of a Beast, though marriage was never on her mind, nor did she think about that. Marrying a monster only to be enslaved to him was never a dream but she was destined to a nightmare.

The flames died down and the moon was visible as a crescent. Arthea was about to walk away from the chambers and reach the servant quarters. Grabbing her hand Princess Alora stopped her reminding her the fact that she is the Princess now.

The wolf growled at the guards who looked different, Arthea was unsure what those creatures were even called, they have tails yet have human bodies, they looked meek and followed the orders of the wolf.

Entering the room, Princess Alora was taken back when she found a women whom she never come across.

"I assume that one of you must be Alora" the woman held authoritative voice.

Both of them nodded.

"I need to know who exactly is the Chosen Bride of our Majesty" he voice sounded demanding.

"She is our Royal Princess Alora" Princess Alora quickly introduced Arthea.

The woman looked down at Arthea and then shifted her eyes to Alora. The difference in their way of clothing is screaming and dressed in the Royal attire, anyone with brains working would get who is the real Princess.

Looking at the creased eyebrows of that woman indicating her disbelief, Arthea sprang to action.

"We had to swap our clothes, for my protection" she quickly made up a lie.

"You think you can fool our Majesty?" the woman smirked.

Ooh we are soo going to do that now… Arthea wanted to say that out loud. It was tough for her to stop herself from making a comment.

"This is exactly not how Majesty would like to look at his bride," the woman muttered observing Arthea.

"No feminine qualities, how do you even qualify for being his Bride?" there was clear disappointment in woman's voice.

"Well what defines feminine in your animal dictionary" Arthea couldn't keep her calm at the taunts.

"I see the Princess owning a sharp tongue. Not a problem, will soon be tamed within the mere presence of Majesty"

He is a fucking animal Majesty.. not Almighty. Only Arthea knew how much she wanted that to be out and loud.

"We absolutely hate wasting time, so quickly get dressed" the woman pointed at the huge box lying near the wooden dressing table.

"I do own some clothes and that perfectly fits me" answered Arthea.

"The human made clothes disgust our Majesty, do as we say. His anger is neither good for you, nor your people" the woman commanded pointing at the box.

"I would love to know who are you" Arthea chose the words carefully, subsiding her range.

"Absolutely none of your business, now get ready" the woman asserted leaving the room.

Is it common for animals to carry arrogancy??

The question was not answered, but Princess Alora sprang into the duty of turning Royal Slave Althea to Princess Alora of Vrishnya Kingdom.