No way left

Women and maids who have been crying their hearts out from the time Prince Kieran's body was placed in his Royal Chambers calmed down. They sat cling to the walls and chairs tired from hours of crying.

Unlike earlier days when the Royal Castles were heavily lit with lamps celebrating the wedding of their Prince. The Palace was enthusiastic since the morning, every corner is decorated with flower. 

The Castles beautifully got decorated for the wedding night of Prince Kieran Lafayette, the Royal maids took extra care in decorating the valley leading to the Castle of Princess, where Queen Ayda is strolling right now.

"You think soo high of yourself don't you" Arthea looked to her left hearing a smirk.

"Well the so-called bride of our Majesty, let me give you a reality check" the tone of the long tailed women carried a hint of jarring tint, which didn't go unrecognized by Arthea yet she kept her cool.