
The voice she heard didn't sound like the voice of the Witch, who brought her here.

"The Majestic Kingdom, where soon to be Queen is being welcomed with blindfolds. What a Pity!" Arthea's tone oozed out sarcasm all over.

She let out her frustration in the form of sarcasm, only to receive a strong hand choking her neck.

Arthea raised her hand to grab the hand choking her neck but refrained herself understanding that her mission is higher than anything and it is to end the Monster himself.

All she saw was darkness prevailing, except the little light coming from the far seeping through the open architecture of ventilation, there is no lantern or a lamp in the whole room.


Arthea looked at the witch with Shock, she clearly couldn't understand what she has heard.

"This is not your fucking little Kingdom, this is the Royal Castle of Beast and here you are supposed to adhere to rules. Don't make me repeat, Strip" the Witch commanded.