Brimming Effections

"Ayda.." King Nicolov called for his wife.

Queen Ayda sobbed profusely sitting beside her son's dead body. She couldn't come to terms with losing her only son, this early.

"Ayda.." Nicolov lightly shook her shoulder making her look up at him.

"Assist Princess Melanie" he softly said.

Queen Ayda looked up at her husband with tears streaming down her eyes. She dreamt of her son sharing life with the beautiful Princess and ruling the Territory, even in her wildest dreams she couldn't imagine her son leaving this world abruptly.

Abiding by King's order, she got up with the help of her maids, who helped her walk to the Princess Chamber.

Leaning onto the windowpane, she pushed the strands of her hair back as the autumn breeze blew across her face. Her hands fidgeted with one another, she could hear utter silence, the Royal Chambers lit with lamps and decorated gloriously with flowers for her first night has now fallen into unbearable silence.