
"Who will be the King now? That Beast?" Arthea quizzed.

Arthea looked at the witch with Shock, she clearly couldn't understand what she has heard.

"This is not your fucking little Kingdom, this is the Royal Castle of Beast and here you are supposed to adhere to rules. Don't make me repeat, Strip" the Witch commanded.

"Have you gone out of mind? Are you even hearing yourself?" screamed Arthea.

"Yes we are and unlike you mortals, we don't encounter bodily problems" taunted the Witch.

"I have no idea Arthea, but our lives will be drastically changed, nothing won't be same again. Everything is going to end up in shackles just like our Royal Castle"

Arthea looked around the Princess Alora's chambers and reminisced the old times, when they had fun. She grew up protecting the Princess and their age gap has binded them together. As younger children they used to play hide and seek all around the Castle.