Treasury Matters

Though fear crept growing within me, my urge to take his face into my palms and pull this tower heighted man scooping into my arms grew. The withered pieces of my soul badly knew how shattered he could be.

Kattie who was being a silent spectator torn between both was about to step ahead but I was quick enough to stop her, which didn't go unnoticed in his eyes though.

"Proposing our love might be tough but living up to it is the toughest. Love is not about fancy proposals or surprise dates. It's about having someone within whom you find a home, where lies no inhibitions, but mutual respect and immense trust. Love is about efforts to keep up the trust growing as trust once broken can't be redeemed"

Every word that left his mouth were the words once said by me! All those promised done by me!

"Why would I have any intention to hurt you? Not even in dreams would it be possible" hot tears stormed down my eyes, the same tears he hated to see in my eyes.