Alert Signals

In the absence of Princess Melanie, Elena was the one who dealt all the matters. She commanded power, and alerted the servants.

"You both, guard the place and let no one inside" Elena ordered two of the servants.

"Yes Elena" they quickly added.

"Remember that no one should be allowed inside… no one" ordered Elena.

Nodding their head, the girls walked out to guard the Chambers.

"Rub her legs and arms" Elena ordered the servants.

"What happened to Princess, Elena?" they quizzed.

"Do as I say, keep rubbing her palms and legs" ordered Elena stepping out of the beautifully decorated bed.

"This audacity of you... This is what makes me go crazy for you" Abriel shrieked hovering on Elisia.

"Enough of you going crazy, now it's your turn to make me go crazy" Elisia said pulling his face closer to hers. Once their lips met, Elisia's fingers made their way to Abriel's thick hair.