Miffed Feelings

Walking towards Elisia, Abriel stood with a little gap between them.

"I can do much more and I think the Royal Princess has better idea about my capabilities," Abriel said with a sexy smirk.

"Princess has to deal with many things, she barely has time to remember someone's capabilities if they are not that splendid" Elisia grinned with a tease.

Abriel was taken back for a minute hearing Princess Elisia speak, looking at the teasing glint in her eyes Abriel prepared his move.

"What about taking time out for remembering something beyond splendid?" Abriel winked.

"We have visitors turning up for the annual celebrations, there are many people all over" Elisia answered.

"Doesn't that make things easy? Moreover it will be adventurous just like Princess loves" Abriel smirked.

"Where would you like to take me on an adventure Commander?" Elisia rolled words with a hint of tease.

"Anywhere the Princess wishes to" Abriel half bowed.