
The Carriage kept moving and all Arthea could sense is pitch dark. She moved uncomfortably, long hours of sitting in one position decked like a doll is something alien to her. Arthea badly missed her dressing, the body fitting clothes aided her to be war ready.

Leave running and beheading people, Arthea was not even sure whether she could walk a few steps without tripping in the humongous gown.

As the carriage kept moving, her mind kept rushing to find the possibilities to end the Monster.

Earsplitting roars barged from the darkness, which scared Arthea to the core. She is not the easy one, she rips humans in a swift and highly trained assassin. However, she seemed of no power when it came to these weird creatures.

Arthea tried using all her strength to assure Princess Alora, who was being dragged by a black skinned wolf, her palms got sweaty and an urge to end the life of the wolf dragging her surpassed her brain.