Adorable Situations

Pulling away, Arthea waved to Alora who waved back gulping the lump in her throat, Arthea was led through the hallway and she was scared to look at the various sort of Animals surrounding her.

Not wanting to dwell on her increasing fears, Arthea kept her head straight walking inside the doors the mysterious woman led her.

"Majesty's order is to bring Princess Alora to his Castle, their bond will be legitimated on the full moon day and she will no longer be the Princess of Vrishnya Kingdom" the Mysterious woman added Authoritatively.

I was never the Princess in the first place…. Though Arthea.

"I am going to miss you, my daughter. I hope you will make a great wife and do your duty" the subtle message in King Richard's words were screaming with clarity.

"I give my word to you King, I have been brought up with values to never step back and I will do everything possible in my hands to be a loving companion" promised Arthea.