Delivered Feelings

"I think it could be something we don't want to come true" Melanie looked up into Elena's eyes with fear.

"Whaaatttt?" shrieked Elena.

"Keep your voice low Elena" roared Melanie trying to calm down Elena.

"Don't tell me you are… when was the last time you had the menstrual cycle?" Elena demanded an answer.

"I quite don't remember"

"Have you gone insane Melanie? How could you be so irresponsible?" screamed Melanie.

"Shhh… stop freaking out Elena, from the time I have been on the pills the Witch prescribed to have my Hymen look like it had never been a part of any sexual intercourse so that Prince could feel I am pure as I bleed when we consummate, my cycle was irregular" answered Melanie.

"And you are telling that to me now? How could you trust in the medicinal procedures of a Witch, Meli?"