Trick or a Treat

"How could you even say that Naveen? You all have witnessed how my team put best of their efforts in the previous quarter and after all the unending work without even taking weekoffs and slogging in the office until late night all I got awarded with is lay off? Seriously? How can you push me to resign? I am not doing it no matter what"

"Look Abhimanyu, this decision has been taken by senior officials and we have no say in it, please sign the resignation form" Naveen pushed the letter to Abhimanyu, who looked absolutely perplexed.

"How could you do this without any reason? We do have certain policies before termination and you people have no rights to force me, I am not quitting it. You are the HR man, you are responsible to answer us, abrupt laying off can be done only when an employee committed criminal activities or something" Abhimnayu's fear of losing his only income made him fight desperately.