Dead doesn't speak

"They tease me a lot. They all have Dadda's and today Granny told me that I too have one. Where is my Dadda Mamma? Why is he not here? Why is he not dropping me? Why oesn't playing with me like Rhodes Dad plays with him? Did I do some wrong, and he is punishing me for that?" the innocent soul put out her questions having no idea how every question of hers shattered her mother.

The long gown made of velvet and silk only turned arch enemy of Arthea by dwindling with her heels, neither is she used wearing the heels nor the long satin diamond studded gowns. She felt discomfort to no bounds and have she had one clue on how to end the human looking animals, she wouldn't have waited.

The voice she heard didn't sound like the voice of the Witch, who brought her here.

"The Majestic Kingdom, where soon to be Queen is being welcomed with blindfolds. What a Pity!" Arthea's tone oozed out sarcasm all over.