Chapter 19


It had taken me five hours of running to reach the small city where I had grown up. Where my father, and then Thane had ruled. Except it was no small city. Buildings taller than I ever had seen stretched up for the night skies and colorful lights beamed from many of them. I wasn't sure if I was amazed or terrified at the sight before me. On slightly unsteady legs I moved into the city. It was so very… loud. The automobiles I had only recently been introduced to were buzzing around in large packs along the streets, the smell of smoke from tiny paper rolls thickened the air. I continued walking past building by building that smelled of edibles like I had never before known, but I somehow avoided the temptation of following my feet and nose. Instead I followed my sense of smell to wherever the most non-humans seemed to collect.

I ended up in a darker part of the city, where only dimly glowing colorful lights lit up the street, except for the occasional pair of glinting eyes. It didn't take me long to realize many of the women were dressed so lightly I would have expected it to be sleepwear if the situation had been different.

I approached a tall dark man who seemed to be guarding the entrance to where everyone was entering. I tried my best to mirror the interaction he had gone through with others. Approach, nod with a smile and go inside.

It did not go to plan.

"There is a dress code." The blandly handsome man said, blocking my way.

I was about to ask when a row of profanities were released from a distance behind me. The person I saw as I turned was a small woman and her friend. They both had hair colors that seemed extremely unlikely, and if I looked closely, their skin seemed to glimmer, likely because of tiny scales giving reflection from the lights. I studied them closer before approaching, trying to determine exact species. The first womans eyes were so thin they might have been closed- but yes, the other one had inner eyelids, blinking slightly out of tune of the outer ones. Reptiles of some sort- either shifters or demihumans. They both also donned thicker shirts wrapped around their waists, so it seemed likely they were cold blooded.

"Excuse me miss." I said, approaching the woman. I had no plan on what to say.

Thirty minutes later I was inside the place with the loud music and flashing lights. I wasn't quite sure how I had ended up in there, but I was in my training bra and my new… acquaintance, Ophelia's black leathery jacket, drinking liquids whose names I had forgotten immediately. Directly at my right stood Ophelia, holding a strongly smelling liquid of her own and watching her sibling, Sana dancing. They were both petite, but looked so unalike I had a hard time believing they were siblings, but I did not pry. I had failed to establish Sanas gender, but tried my best not to insult anyone.

The drink in my hand was probably strong enough to knock a human straight off their feet, and wasn't particularly tasty, but the bitterness kept me focused on my task: find the werewolves headquarters.

"What brings you here?" Ophelia asked, eyes not leaving Sana for a moment. The question seemed casual, but it was assessing. Either my mask was very good at seeming average, or Ophelia was very confident-perhaps cocky in her abilities to have helped me so easily. I debated coming up with a cover but just simplified the truth.

"Somebody is long overdue an… endless rest. I'm here to change that." Ophelias eyes snapped to me, looking me over once again. When her eyes returned to mine, there was a new look of wariness in them.

"I see. You are quite… honest."

"Perhaps." I paused. "I will leave now. You might be better off forgetting this encounter. People in this city will probably not like me for very long." I stopped to study the woman before I left. She had such thin eyes I wasn't sure they were open, she might have been half asian, but had some traits common in south-eastern Europe. Her hair was short like a mans, and yellower than I considered possible, with blueish tips. Either she was something utterly exotic or that was another thing I had missed. I got a hint towards her exoticism when a dark, tiny split tongue grazed her lips. Lizard or snake. I made sure to disappear from the females sight before smelling for wolves. There were diluted scents in the crowd, but by the bar I found three males. They all looked like the eastern wolves tended to: curly black hair and varying medium skin tones. My mask purposely wasn't out of place among them. Darker eyes and straighter hair, but similar enough to be one of theirs.

"Males." I said in a nice tone, resting the urge to call the young men pups.