Chapter 56: Competing for the script, Lin Fan is going to post it!

During this time, Jiaxing Entertainment and Joy Media began to review Lin Fan's script.

The responses of the two companies were surprisingly consistent.

"Who is the author of this script, find him for me, contact him, Jiaxing Entertainment must buy this script."

"Is there anyone else who can write such a script, the emotions are vivid, the plot is exciting, the script is a good work, can I contact the author who submitted it, I want to meet him in person."

"I cried, I've read so many scripts, but this one is the most touching. The emotional story in it, what kind of screenwriter can describe the script so well."

"Boss, I suggest that we must buy this script. If we can buy it, if it is adapted into a TV series, our company will make a lot of money!"

The screenwriters of both companies made the same judgment.

The script written by Lin Fan is too wonderful.

The language is smooth, the plot is ups and downs, and the characters are all perfect.

In today's companies, what is lacking most is a script.

Try to think about it, if the script is good, the effect of the TV series will not be bad. The popularity of the whole network can not only drive the popularity of the stars, but the company can also gain a lot of word of mouth.

A sufficiently good script, if adapted into a movie, in that case, the value it can generate is immeasurable!

If a movie has a box office of 5 or 6 billion, it is a **** profit for the producers and investors.

Of course, no matter what kind of movie or TV series, the most important thing is the original script.

And this script written by Lin Fan was appreciated by three companies at the same time!

Lin Fan, who had just finished working in the small restaurant, received a call after returning home.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, are you the author of the script "Celebrating More Than Years"? I'm Zhao Rui, a staff member of Jiahuan Media. Our company wants to interview you and purchase a series of copyrights for your script. "The staff of Joy Media called and asked.

"What's the price?" Lin Fan asked.

"Our company's intention is to buy 10,000 yuan per episode, and a total of 460,000 yuan to buy out the full script of "Celebrating More Than Years". Of course, the specific price can be negotiated." Zhao Rui said.

"No need." Lin Fan frowned slightly.

The script he wrote was just the first step, with a total of 46 episodes, and Joy Media was only willing to pay 460,000 to buy out his script with full copyright?

"Mr. Lin, there are still some problems with your script. The adaptation of the TV series may not be popular. You can accumulate popularity first. If this TV series is popular, you can continue to cooperate in the next script..." Zhao Rui said. .

Before the people from Happy Media could finish speaking, Lin Fan hung up the phone.

Lin Fan wasn't short of money, and he wouldn't sell his script for 460,000 yuan.

Obviously, Joy Media wants to buy a high-level script at a low price.

Of course, Lin Fan would not accept such a result.

This is the first script written by Lin Fan. With Xia Wanqiu as the heroine, this drama is bound to become a hit.

After Lin Fan hung up the phone, Zhao Rui, a staff member of Joy Media, was a little disdainful.

"The price of 460,000 is already very high. At 10,000 per episode, your script for one episode is only over 10,000 words, which is equivalent to one dollar per word, but you are still not satisfied."

"Although the script is well written, do you really think your script will be popular? Apart from our company, I'm afraid no other company will accept your script again." Zhao Rui flipped through Lin Fan's script.

"Lin Fan, if you come to the door again, I will directly press the price to 400,000 yuan, and 400,000 yuan to buy a script is also a lot of money." Zhao Rui said, obviously a little confident.

In her opinion, the story of the script is good, but Lin Fan is a newcomer after all.

If you want to make a good TV series, it is not enough to have a script. Is the script provided by a newcomer really that promising? Joy Media behind Zhao Rui did not trust Lin Fan too much.

At the same time, both Jiaxing Entertainment and Yuehua Group contacted Lin Fan.

Especially Tian Zheng from Yuehua Group was still a little nervous in his heart.

The script written by Lin Fan is simply too perfect, such a perfect script, and one that Xia Wanqiu likes.

For a year, Xia Wanqiu didn't have a script she liked.

And this script Xia Wanqiu clearly wants to be the heroine, that is to say, Tian Zheng will buy the copyright of this script no matter what.

In order to express the company's importance, Tian Zheng, a master of scriptwriting, came to talk to Lin Fan in person after being authorized by President Li.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, I'm Tian Zheng from Yuehua Group. Our company has a high sincerity to sign with you. When will you have time to admire me?" Tian Zheng smiled.

"Hello Mr. Tian Zheng, I've heard of you. You wrote the scripts for the recent hit movies." Lin Fan laughed. Of course he knew Tian Zheng. He heard Xia Wanqiu say it many times. The master of script, the level of attainments is quite high.

The Yuehua Group asked Tian Zheng to contact him, which already represented the importance the Yuehua Group attached to this script, and also represented the sincerity of the Yuehua Group, and such sincerity made Lin Fan feel more comfortable.

"Haha, Mr. Lin, don't call me a teacher. The script you wrote is what amazes me in my life. Compared with this script, what are my past achievements?"

"To be honest, Mr. Lin, even if the company wants to lower the price, I will never agree to it. Your script is too attractive. I can guarantee that the TV series will be a hit!" Tian Zheng laughed.

This is the love of the older generation of artists for this industry. Although Tian Zheng is in the entertainment industry, what he longs for is a real script, and what he longs for is the improvement of the cultural level of the entire country.

And it was also Tian Zheng's many scripts written, and Xia Wanqiu's hard work, that created Xia Wanqiu's current status. Lin Fan also respects such older generation artists.

"Well, Jiaxing Entertainment also contacted me just now. You two each offer a basic price. If the price is satisfactory, we will continue to discuss in detail. Teacher Tian Zheng, what do you think?" Lin Fan asked.

Although this script was prepared for Mao Mao, whether Jiaxing Entertainment or Yuehua Group bought the copyright of the script, Xia Wanqiu could be the heroine, and of course Lin Fan would not suffer.

After all, it took Lin Fan a lot of energy to write this script. In the final analysis, it still had to come back to the price.

Lin Fan can benefit the most from the two companies competing for the script together.

If they offered a price of 10,000 yuan per episode like Joy Media did, then Lin Fan would not accept it. It was a big deal that Lin Fan could open an entertainment company by himself.

"Okay, Mr. Lin, allow me to contact you later." Tian Zheng said, he also knew that this script was written so well that it took a lot of Lin Fan's energy, and in the end he had to return to the issue of copyright fees.

On the other hand, the staff of Jiaxing Entertainment were also preparing to make an offer for Lin Fan.

Both companies have only one chance to make an offer.

Quote a basic price first and continue to negotiate to be valuable.

Jiaxing Entertainment.

"Mr. Wang, Yuehua Group is competing with us. We only have one chance to make an offer. If we can shoot this script, the benefits will be endless. Do you want to see what price we will quote?" The staff asked.

The boss of Jiaxing Entertainment, Mr. Wang, sat there, flipping through Lin Fan's script.

Originally, it was not the boss's turn to make a decision on the acquisition of the script.

But... this script written by Lin Fan surprised all the screenwriters of Jiaxing Entertainment.

Lin Fan's screenwriting level has even surpassed the level of high-level screenwriters in the industry.

Even Tian Zheng, the screenwriter master of Yuehua Group, sighed.

This is still the follow-up to the script that they didn't see. If they did, I don't know what the expressions of these famous screenwriters would be.

Lin Fan also had full confidence in his script.

Mr. Wang pondered slightly, looked at the staff, and said, "According to the standard of the industry's top gold screenwriters, the price is 280,000 yuan per episode. Since Yuehua Group wants to compete with us, then we will increase the price. ten thousand!"

After being affirmed by President Wang, the staff of Jiaxing Entertainment also responded to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan's script has a total of 46 episodes. According to the price of 300,000 per episode, that is to say, Jiaxing Entertainment is willing to spend 13.8 million to purchase the copyright of the script!

Jiaxing Entertainment can be said to fully recognize Lin Fan's script.

On the other hand, Tian Zheng is also discussing with President Wang of Yuehua Group.

Xia Wanqiu is a member of Yuehua Group, and this script by UU reading will also be the heroine of Xia Wanqiu's first love drama.

In other words, Yuehua Group cannot lose this script no matter what.

Because of this script, three top stars will join at the same time, Xia Wanqiu, Su Xiaoyu, and Xu Yang.

Especially Xia Wanqiu, who has not acted in a movie for a year, if confirmed to appear in a new drama, I don't know how many fans will be surprised.

President Li looked at Tian Zheng and carefully read the script.

"With Xia Wanqiu, Su Xiaoyu and Xu Yang at the same time, even if this script is average, the popularity will be unprecedentedly high, not to mention this script is so exciting, so I only have one request..."

"At all costs, buy the copyright of this script!"


ps: This chapter is a big chapter. It has been written for a long time. It was updated at 0:00. The QQ reading has not been displayed. It is very uncomfortable. Please recommend a ticket for comfort~~