Chapter 59: The hero, Lin Fan!

The next day, Yuehua Group.

It is not a secret that the company signed the copyright of the script of "Qing Yu Nian" at a high price, and it has been spread in the company.

This represents the importance the company places on the drama "Celebrating More Than Years"!

"Do you know that the company spent 18.4 million yesterday to buy the copyright of a script, which seems to be called "Qing Yu Nian"."

"Fuck, if there are forty-six episodes in total, wouldn't the price of each episode be 400,000 yuan. Did the company even hire such a top-notch screenwriter?"

"It seems that the screenwriter's name is Lin Fan, and he is a top screenplay master. Even Teacher Tian Zheng is inferior."

"Can't even Teacher Tian Zheng be better? Then this drama will be very exciting. Maybe it will be popular. I don't know who can be the heroine of this drama. I also want to try it."

"The company has spent so much money, which means that the company wants to build a top-level IP, and maybe it will be popular on the whole network. For us, it is also an opportunity!"


In the company, many star artists have begun to pay attention to this matter.

A good script often plays a very important role in an artist.

Of course, the details of the filming are also very important. If it is a fighting horse, the audience will not buy it.

On the other side, the well-known screenwriters in the company all sat together to study the script for celebrating Yu Nian.

There were a total of eight people in the office, and they were discussing with each other, but after a whole day, no one spoke.

Including Tian Zheng, everyone was deeply involved in this script.

There are a total of forty-six episodes, and the details of each episode are quite perfect. The story of the hero and heroine, the risks and crises encountered by the hero in Kyoto, the game between various high IQs, the hero's hearty after the danger is saved, Make Qing Yu Nian's drama more vivid.

After a whole day, someone finally spoke up.

"This script... is absolutely amazing! 400,000 episodes are definitely not a loss. I have never seen such a good story written. Such a story is very suitable for the current market. Once it is filmed, the effect is amazing!"

"Is Lin Fan really just a young man in his twenties? I feel that the script he wrote is completely like the work and technique of a master. I have been writing the script for ten years, and it is far from Lin Fan's level. "

"I worship Lin Fan. I am ashamed that Lin Fan wrote this script. There are still some points in the script that I don't understand. I have to ask Lin Fan to talk about it."

"How can you call Lin Fan? I think it should be called Master Lin. The level of Master Lin's scriptwriting is undoubtedly higher than mine."

"Mr. Tian Zheng, what do you think of this script?"

Tian Zheng raised his glasses, carefully picked up the script, and said only two words.

"God's work!"

Then Tian Zheng got up and left, the excitement in his eyes was beyond words.

There is no way to evaluate such a script with redundant ornate rhetoric.

He is going to find President Li and quickly start the adaptation plan for this script.

The rest of the screenwriters couldn't help but sighed when they saw Tian Zhengxing's hurry.

"It's the first time I've seen Teacher Tian Zheng evaluate a script like this."

"In my opinion... Maybe, our company will really create a god-level IP!"


In Mr. Li's office.

President Li also just finished reading the script written by Lin Fan.

"President Li." Tian Zheng sat in front of Mr. Li.

"No need to brag, the story of this script is pretty good."

"The company immediately launched a casting plan, which is open to all artists. The key to this play is to invite veteran actors with good acting skills." President Li said.

"I see the female characters in this play, Lin Wan'er, Fan Ruoruo, Haitang Duoduo, Ye Ling'er, the selection of these female characters must use beautiful girls. Although this is a trick play, the beautiful female characters are It can also attract the attention of the audience." Mr. Li smiled slightly.

Yuehua Group, as a first-line company, has no shortage of female artists.

Xia Wanqiu and Su Xiaoyu are both very beautiful girls, and both girls are only in their early twenties, which is the most beautiful moment in their lives.

Of course... this play is also equivalent to tailor-made for Xia Wanqiu by the company.

This will be Xia Wanqiu's first love scene and first kiss scene. I don't know what a huge response it will cause in the entertainment industry.

"President Li, the candidate for the male lead..." Tian Zheng looked at President Li.

"Wanqiu has the right to veto, so it's up to Wanqiu to decide this matter."

"But what do you think about Lin Fan?" President Li smiled slightly and looked at Tian Zheng.

Tian Zheng immediately understood, "Lin Fan is very handsome, and there was an affair with Xia Wanqiu a few days ago, and they have always been very close, if Lin Fan came to play the male lead..."

President Li nodded and said, "He is very suitable. Perhaps, this drama was prepared by Lin Fan for Xia Wanqiu."

Tian Zheng suddenly realized, and admired Mr. Li a little more, "President Li, then Lin Fan and Xia Wanqiu shouldn't really be as rumored on the Internet. This will affect Xia Wanqiu's career and the company."

Mr. Li smiled lightly, picked up the teacup gently, and said, "Lin Fan, drives a Bugatti sports car with hundreds of millions of dollars, lives in a lakeside villa with hundreds of millions of dollars, is the second largest shareholder of the new Radisson Hotel, and owns The property rights of the seven-story science and technology building can write such an exquisite script, how can his background be ordinary people."

"Even if Lin Fan is an ordinary person and wants to be with Wanqiu, who can stop it? What I want to tell you is that the company will not stop the relationship between the two of them, but will pave the way for them."

"Because Lin Fan has the ability to open an entertainment company on his own," said President Li.

Who is the face of Yuehua Group?

A first-line male artist, Xu Yang.

The first-line female artists, Xia Wanqiu and Su Xiaoyu.

And Xia Wanqiu, Su Xiaoyu and Lin Fan have a very good relationship. UU reading President Li understands very well what the consequences will be if the company puts pressure on Xia Wanqiu?

The company will not only lose a master screenwriter like Lin Fan, but also two first-line female artists.

Xia Wanqiu and Su Xiaoyu are still young, and their future is infinitely bright. In the future, they will definitely stand higher than they are now!

Tian Zheng understood that no matter what the relationship between Lin Fan and Xia Wanqiu was like, the company had to make preparations for it.

"Mr. Li, I understand, that is to say, the company wants to attract talents like Lin Fan."

"Xia Wanqiu was reluctant to shoot kiss scenes and emotional scenes on the screen before, but this time, she agreed to all of them, and she also asked for the veto of the male lead, because she knew from the beginning that Lin Fan wrote it. the script."

"So the male protagonist of this play has many options on the surface, but in fact, there is only one person who can act as the male lead."

"Lin Fan!"