Letter D

To: the.casgomezagmail.com

Subject: Letter D

My therapist told me that I'm trying to prolong everything with all this letters but she didn't know how much I bottled up for 5 freaking years. I regretted a lot of things.

I regretted not confessing sooner. I regretted not asking for a recollection letter from you. I regretted avoiding you. I regretted telling you that I cared for you because you were my friend, because I didn't just cared for you just because I saw as a friend but because it was I liked you. Probably, up until now, still like you.

I regretted the most was when my emotion got the best of me. When I kept ignoring you as you tried your best to console me thinking something happened to me. I'm really sorry for being stupid. The more I recall what I did the more I felt embarrass. I actually felt the saying "so close yet so far" you were literally right in front of me just like what I hoped for but I wasted it. I wasted my chance to grow our relationship just because you told me you had a crush on Sandy.

Until you stopped trying… Until you move farther…

That's the only time I realized how much time I've wasted sulky about your silly crush. So what if she was your crush? You didn't even had much moments compared to ours. Why did my emotion got the best of me?

That's another reason why I'm writing– because of the wasted chances.

Do you think we could actually hit it off if I didn't sulk about Sandy? Do you think our friendship/relationship could actually level up? Or would you just grow tired of me?

Are we one of the cases of an "almost" relationships? Or am I just assuming again?

PS. Yeah, my therapist was probably right because this letters have been drafted for a few months now and I just finally, decided to send it. I think this is the hardest letters I've done because I'm terrified of what would be your reaction to this. Then again, my therapist stated that I should not think that way because it only means I'm still hoping for your response when I shouldn't. There's no reason for you to respond to this 5 year late confession. That's what she told me… I felt that big punch on the face.


Your "Almost"