Letter F

To: the.casgomezagmail.com

Subject: Letter F

Sandy, Jesse, Justice, Marie, and Andy.

Those were the girls I watched you be with.

You had your ups and downs just like any other relationships and I witnessed it all. I witnessed you get all clingy with Sandy, I witnessed you keep a promise to Jess, I witnessed you sob because of Justice, I witnessed you sing your favorite song with Marie, I witnessed you look at Andy from afar. I witnessed everything.

My friends told me I'm a masochist for staying by your side after everything. But that's the thing, I didn't chose it… I'm compelled to you. I always come back to you even if I don't want to anymore… Even if you don't need to.

Just like what I stated from my previous letter, I was your confidant but how come you never become mine? How come when I needed you the most you brushed me off and asked somebody to talk to me instead.

Have you ever considered my feelings first before doing such thing? I swallowed all my pride for you just so I could talk to you but all you did was to coldly passed me off to your friend. Who does that?

I should have hated you after that but I still ended up forgetting about it and become senseless all over again.

Cassius, how hard was it for you to simply listen to my rants? To just be there for me? Is it too much to ask from you? It was you who I wanted to talk too. How could you not get it?

You were the one I needed. Your comfort was enough but you could not even give that to me. You were so unfair. I want to hate you that night. I wish I hated you… I wish I hate you still.


The girl who wish to hate you