chapter 1 ( the begining )
My name is Adesireoluwa , i am the third child of my parent. sometimes i wonder what the world think its love. Although it sound so sweet but to me it does'nt sound serious to me from the start.
Now i think its the right time to tell you more about the taste of love. people say the start determines the ending, but what of those things that continues , day after day they become new. love never end. the more it strikes the stronger it becomes. It changes all motivation and perspection. love is so powerfulthat it makes you ill but not sick. love blinds. Alway find a perfect solution and keys to problems. When it breaks, it like one minute it was in your life and future and the next minute it's gone, turning years to seconds, turning months to minutes. It makes you hear the songs that were special to you and remind you of the good time you had together, places that were special to you. when you feel the pains of it absence, it make you laugh and cry at the sametime, all night long soaking your bed with tear.
At first you might not want to see the the outside world believing it's full of cruelty. It takes a long period of time to get over the pain, cause it hurts more than anything on earth seeing those you love and trust
betray you "ir hurts".To get over eberything and make sense of it all is the best that moment in time. The bitter truth is that love regenerates, always having it in mind that someone os out there who will be hundred percent honest and will love forever.
love does'nt need to be perfect, it just need to be sure and to be equal. i classify my own love experience as an adventure in life, having someone beside me to loveme through goodtimes and bad times, who is always there to laugh with me, to lift me up when am down. Even what i see in her was my today, tomorrow and future. When two persons are in love, the deeper they move into the path, the less and less they are, the more and more they become one. Touching each other's soul and creating connection between the their hearts...... love is so so great