Chapter Fifteen

  "You already knew what we were," Tala uttered on a breath, and Ember nodded a rueful look on her face.

  "Yes, ma'am," she admitted quietly in the silence of the room following Tala's sentence.

  "I should've known something was suspicious when you joined the study session since you do well on my tests," Tala said softly giving Ember a sharp look only to receive a smile in return.

  "Although I did need some help, I wanted to prove my suspicion wrong about you," Ember admitted with a wince. "Instead I only proved myself right."

  "Why did you leave early?" Tala asked tilting her head to the side.

Ember slid her eyes to Ethan who was watching her steadily. "How does a young woman deal with about ten of the most gorgeous men she had ever seen striding around shirtless?" She smiled widely seeing Ethan's eyes narrow. "You take yourself away from the temptation."