One hundred and two

 Accepting the paper towel Trevon handed him, Onyy wiped the blood from his claw and then retracted it. Wrapping an arm around Sansa , James breathed her in, using her to center him. "I think the bastard was insane."

 "But not a liar," said Ethan. "When he said the preserve was being run by a shifter, he was telling the truth. And he wasn't kidding when he said you knew him."

 James nodded, aware that Ethan was right. "That doesn't exactly narrow it down. I know a lot of people."

 Sansa looked up at James . "But if the shifter's closely allied with Jace, it makes sense that he's local. At the very least, I'd say we can narrow it down to male shifters in Arizona."

 "Then we need to get a list of the male shifters residing in Arizona," said Trevon.

 Nick turned to Trevon. "Call Danny, he'll be able to get that info for us."