One hundred and Twenty one

She absolutely adored Shaya, which was why she had spent a good portion of the mating ceremony snarling at Lovetta—who had been extremely well behaved that night, not insulting Sansa even once. Grey had been pleasant enough to James , but he'd patted his Glock a few times and given James a look that said, "I'm watching you." Whatever.

 Lexer too, had easily taken to Sansa . Of course he had. She had a natural ease with people that James was sure would make her fantastic at her job.

 She, Kate and Lexer had been conspiring together about ways to keep Roni from returning to her wolf form for another long period of time. If anyone could accomplish that, it was Sansa .

 A big relief was that, so far, he hadn't had a single headache since Tala healed him. Not one. Nor had he had any other problems that might signify his cognitive functions were beginning to degenerate again.