One hundred and Twenty four

Opening your eyes to find that you're upside down can't be good, can it?

  Through the cobwebs clouding her mind, Kass Axton realized that it wasn't just she who was upside down. The car had toppled over. Well, that sucked. Clearly the fuck-up fairy had made an appearance. Strangely, Kass felt no rush of panic, no fear. And despite that she was pretty sure her head was bleeding, there was no pain. There was only a feeling of weightlessness. Even the fact that her wolf was frantic didn't disturb Kass in this dreamlike moment.

Her brain distantly registered that the car kept leaning sideways, as if something was repeatedly pulling at it. But it was the various sounds that penetrated her mental fog: low moans, a phone ringing, a child crying, and strange voices arguing.