One hundred and Thirty Four

 I'm horny and it's all your fault—M

 How Marcus got her number, she wasn't sure. Probably from Taryn, she thought. Strangely finding that she wanted to answer this clear invitation to play, Kass typed:

Explain how I'm at fault

His reply was instant.

All I can think about is sliding my cock inside you

And now she was thinking about it too. A part of her wanted to keep playing—though it felt odd, she was also enjoying it—but another part of her wanted to draw back in self-preservation. Nick was right: she was resistant to charm. But as that charm was tangled with raw sexuality, the spice of danger, and an aura of power, Kass wasn't so resistant to Marcus Fuller at all. Keeping him at a distance would be best.

 Or would it? Should she just take what he offered? After all, she liked sex, and he was apparently very good at it.