Chapter : 4 – Fate Reloaded

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Chapter 4

Fate Reloaded


Yui Kusaka and Airi Mochizuki finding themselves stranded in an empty forest, passes through the forest side, they come across a great many trees.

Both of them are stunned to see variety of species of trees, the kind Airi could not recognise form her worldly knowledge. Ranging from fat to round girdles and having leaves of strange shape and colour. And then there were beautiful flowers that adored these trees, having an extraordinary shades of vibrant colours that beheld their eyes.

Yui wanted to climb the trees and pluck those flowers to gift Airi. But slowly she was understanding the implication Airi made. It was because she was unconscious and running on a lot of adrenaline that she did not feel the pain.

But now she could feel the excruciable burning and itching on her back. It was thanks to the soft cloth that Airi gave to her that the burn was now covered and protected from the atmosphere to cause her infection.

And now they were heading to a water source to clean this burn mark holding hands together as they walked.

It was all thanks to Airi's meticulous decision making that she could come even this far and not wanting her to worry further she decided to hide that pain from her. Yui knew Airi's little heart won't be able to see her in pain and would get desperate to take riskier action which she cannot allow especially in such a strange place.

"I'm not sure. But ...... where are we exactly ...?"

Looking around again but this time with an introspective eye, they see that they were in a jungle, obviously. But the trees stretching skyward from here to there are the biggest trees they had ever seen. These huge trees grew at irregular intervals and the canopies formed on the ground guided their way not to get lost in the tall grass.

"They are huge trees, aren't they? What's this tree called?" Yui muttered, trying to forget her pain by putting her mind off it.

"I don't know. ... I've never seen anything like this before. It looks like it's many times bigger than the tallest trees found on earth. Are we actually on earth?"

A strange question left Airi's mouth and an unbelievable expression appeared on the faces of the two cute girls roaming alone in the forest only having each other's support.

Huh! Couldn't be, right? They both thought.

Airi looked at Yui's face again and decided to hurry up. She could not bear to watch Yui in pain anymore, even if she did not speak about it. Airi was too sensitive to Yui's feelings. She needed to find water quick for their biological needs in this warm weather and also procure medicine and foods. All while being in a strange abandoned forest.

The forest was lovely in itself, but the horror it could bring in anytime put Airi at alert as she tried to smell out wild animals and ways to fight them. She needed to be prepared in every situation.

In that case she had already plucked two strong looking straight branches from the trees, and handed one to Yui. They could use the stick as a support to walk long distances and in an emergency to shoo off beasts.


"We are finally here." Airi and Yui grimaced at hearing the water running close by.

By shifting a bunch of bushes away from their way they leave the forest from the side.

A straight plain river flows in front of them. Understanding that, Yui put off her clothes and became naked from the top. Since it was an open area she held her bra in the front and Airi unplugged it from the back. Yui never wanted anyone to see her naked body except Airi. Her body only belonged to Airi and Airi alone whether it was to be used in shielding and protecting her or providing sexual pleasure.

But Yui was depressed that at present she could do neither.

"Yui don't worry I am here for you. I will wash up the burn mark so rest easy." Airi whispered in her ears. Her voice was heavy as if she was about to cry, but she did not.

"Yes! Thank you so much." Yui felt glad that Airi was along with her. That's what really mattered, the two were together.

"No prob…"

They were amazed to see how pure the water flowing in the river was. They could see the bottom with small shinning pebbles and their own reflection at the same time.

Seeing the imagery of two together in the water made them truly happy because they were alive and together again. They were inseparable.

And no one could have denied that together they looked so beautiful and adorable. Meant for each other only. Both thought at the same time.

"Ok, Yui dip into the river." Airi gently helped Yui get into the water after measuring the depth of the river was no more than a knee deep with the stick.

"yiiiiikk…. The water is so cold." Yui shrieked.

"It will be good for cleaning your burn mark."

Airi in dismay looked at Yui's wound. On her fair soft skin her whole back was petrified with black and red burns. The skin tightened and slowly peeling off. She neither could look away but steeled her heart to help Yui. It was times at these the courage of these two young girls and their deep love for each other was tested.

"Yui, now stay still and I will gently scrub off the top destroyed skin form your body. Its going to hurt so hold my hands tight if you want." Airi explained to Yui in a gentle motherly voice.

"Yes, I will." Yui remarked as her lower body was slowly adjusting to the cold of the river's water. It was a clear blue colour, and she felt like becoming one with the nature in it.


Yui tore off a part of her handkerchief as she knew she would need a lot of clothes. She dipped the cloth in the running cold water and properly washed and rinsed it.

She spread out the cloth and now stuck it against Yui's back.

"AHaaahhaaha…..hahahahaaaa… Airi it hurts a lot. Please remove it. Airi. Airi…." Yui screamed at the top of her voice. Simply touching something on her burn mark made her feel like she was gonna die. Even with Yui's athletic abilities and a built-up strength with high tolerance level the agony was simply unbearable.

She had sacrificed her body to protect what she loved and had no regrets.

Airi wanted to stop seeing Yui in a lot of pain but it was something that needed to be done despite from what horrible aching Yui had to suffer. Airi will have to be Yui's strength alone.

"Mmmmmm…mffffmmmm…" Yui's voice suddenly vanished from the surrounding as she felt relieved again. It was not the pain that was gone but in return she had got her prize or her sweet candy to quiet her down.

"Mmmmm… Just bear it a little and let me take care of everything for you, alright…mmmm…Mmmmm…" Saying that Airi again plugged her lips to that of Yui's, eating away all her pain as her cold lips intermingled with the heat of Yui's pain.


Illustration of Airi and Yui washing off each other in river (bikini scene) -


Yui turning her head around kept on licking Airi's tongue flipping it over again and again as the horrible feeling of her skin being peeled off from the back made her go wild.

Yui felt Airi's face so close that she knew she needed to worry about nothing when she was along with her. In all truth she had turned, as she merely wished to look at Airi's loving face, but now she did not feel alone in that pain. She knew Airi was suffering along with her and she needed to hold on to herself and strengthen her will.

The kiss in all overpowered Yui's senses as it sought some unreachable terminus near her uvula; it wiggled, it pulsated, and made contortive sweeps in her mouth's vault. She was certain of its slippery nature, a little wet than rather deliciously sweet and aphrodisiac. It had the power in itself to force her, or somehow get her back against her pain, where Yui lolled helplessly with her eyes clenched shut, in a trance of tongue moving upside down and implanted deeper into Airi's throat.

Airi focused on the smooch to release Yui from all restrains and also wash away the dirty skin that came off leaving a trail of solidified blood. But Yui washed it away with her own hands.

With Yui's tongue embedded deep inside her throat seeking refuge from the discomfort and painful scrubbing of her back, she could not breath, her eyes but shone with a pure feeling of helping her girlfriend out.

Fresh red and peach exposed marks showed up. She needed to pad these with to protect form infection as quickly as possible.

She tore more of her clothes rinsing it again and tying around Yui as first aid. Wrapping it around her bra from front and using its straps to perfectly inch the cloth around her back and tighten it so that the cloth does not fall.

Airi jiggled Yui's boobs a bit and checked the strength of the wrap, that it did not fail even if she moved.

Yui who had lost all her strength by now from the kiss and the clean-up, came out of the water when Airi pulled her up with her hand.

Yui gently landed into Airi's hug as she looked at her with loving and affectionate eyes.

Airi tightly hugged her making sure not to touch the burn marks.

"Thank you Airi. I would never have been able to do this without you."

"What are you saying? It's the least I could do after you saved my life. Don't forget that we two are one and have the one and same life." Airi exclaimed as she planted another kiss on Yui's nose and bit it tight.

"Why did you do that?"

"I wan to eat Yui. I am hungry. I will just take one bite." The gluttonous Airi remarked as she now naughtily sucked Yui's cheeks producing a popping and wet sound.

Yui for a while did the same until the two had satisfied and happy look on their faces. Their lustful gazes still directed at each other wanting for more.

Next they collected water in a cylindrical leaf that had a wax coating which they found in the jungle and Airi could know its use by just taking a look at it. Next Airi attached a thorny branch form a plant that looked like a cactus but was not, and fixed it in the groove of the branch.

Handing the weapon which now looked similar to a spear; Yui hunted some fishes from the river. She was quite good at it too, with the speed she caught a handful of them, even with the burn mark holding her back. No one could have believed it was her first time doing this. But Airi had full confidence that if there was someone who could do it on their first try it would be Yui.

In that time of hunting Airi had collected some stones and prepared a bonfire place with dry twigs, and hitting the two stones together she created a spark and using controlled blowing method lit a small fire.

Yui came out of the river with her haul as they clapped their hands together over their success. The two were perfectly working in sync without wasting time.

It was now Yui's turn to cook as she knew how to do best. Yui had been practicing cooking because she knew Airi loved eating and had been honing her skills to even qualify as a MasterChef. She had already bagged several awards in cooking competition she participated when Airi picked some out for her.

Yui perfectly cooked the caught fishes over the fire's heat which Airi had succeeded to produce. Also, the fishes too did not belong to their home country but they looked edible.

Now they had both food and water and Yui could rest easy now with her wounds treated.

"Next we need to find people here and learn where is this place. I hope we are not too far from home." Airi suggested. As she wished to really know how the two ended up in such a desolate place.

"Airi here take you fish." Yui handed a cooked fish fixed on a cleaned stick. A fish smouldering with freshly cooked umami leaking from it. She took a quick bite from her small mouth and moving her lips closed.

"It's so tasty."

"I agree." Saying that Yui started eating her own food.

Airi looked at Yui eating and an unsatisfactory mien appeared on her face.

"What's the matter Airi. I am sorry but there's no salt. The water was rather sweet so we could not boil it either."

As Yui explained hoping to qualm Airi's demanding taste buds.

"If that's the case, then I will just have to make do with this…" saying that Airi started eating from the same place where Yui bit the fish.

"Now that's the taste I like." Airi jumped in disbelief as how tastier the fish suddenly became.

"Then let me have my favourite taste too." Yui took a jump and crunched a small flesh piece from Airi's plate.

Both giggled as they continued eating to fill their bellies until they were content.

It was not like they were not worried about the difficult and peculiar situation they were in. But both already knew that if they stressed too much instead of actually finding a solution they would never be able to solve their problem.

And the best way to lift up their spirits the two of them knew was to make love to each other and so they did in their own unique way to make the other one happy and lively without holding themselves back.

They wanted to live through their eternal love in this short life span they had and did not waste a single moment without it.



"Airi something's approaching us!" Yui warned Airi

as the two stood up from their places holding the long stick in their hands.

Both on guard looked in the direction form where several footsteps rushed to their direction.

"Could it be a group of wild animals."

"No, I think it would be quite opposite. If they were animals they would have run away seeing the fire. But they are acting on the contrary. Yui get ready, in case we have to run." Air explained.

The two looked in the direction of the trees form where the thing approaching them would appear.

Little idea they had when they would have learned that the thing that would appear out of the woods soon might push them for a second time to the brink of their deaths.

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So, this is what a real Yuri novel is....

And I want to keep giving you more of this....

Hope you all enjoyed reading it.

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