Chapter – 7 : ACCEPTANCE

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Chapter – 7



For a while, Yui's consciousness was numb, the only sound was the wind blowing across her face.

Eventually, she heard uneven footsteps over the gravel near the riverbed. Yui looked up and saw a frail figure stumbling toward her.

Her face looked composite but at the same time those red eyes under her white bangs were unhinged and looked worried.

As if already able to deduce that she was moving, the figure plodded several steps closer, face downward, then slumped to her knees like a puppet whose strings had been cut. She extended her hand towards Yui, then shrank back as it touched and rubbed gently on her warm skin.

"…I'm so glad…You are finally awake…Thank you for protecting me that time and always…"

Tears filled her small eyes, sparkling like jewels, then fell. Finally, Yui managed to rasp one word out of her parched throat and called out that person's name.


Airi drew a breath of life to hear her name called out by Yui and she affectionately looked at her while at the same time fetched some water in huge leaf folded cylindrically and capped at bottom.

"I'm sorry. I…I was not thinking…and ran to fight…I shouldn't have left you behind…" Yui continued speaking after she drank water and found life returning in her.

Yui desperately tried to raise herself from the ground, and was finally in control of her body again. The damage she had suffered as mental fatigue and physical stiffness still left an unpleasant numbness, but she could at least extend her right and left arm to her beloved Airi.

Airi then held her tightly by shoulders her head lowered, as if they were just now realising the meaning of all the things they went through.

They were not some thoughtless silly girls, but because they had been desperate they easily gave in to impulses that one time. But after killing the monster and resting for a while their heads came back.

And it hit them hard.

"…!" Yui had an exasperated look on her face and she understood only little.

The dismayed and thoughtful look on Airi's face which was completely immersed and focused on extrapolating all the information she could derive form the scenarios she went through and the time she spent on exploring the place while Yui was out-cold.

Both of them had by then realised that the place they might have stranded to might be too far away from their home that it did not exist on the map, better to say out of the world.

The powers they used very much resembled to the super magical powers they saw superheroes using in movies and fantasy books.

But now those powers existed inside of them.

Even the animals and place had that small amount of light exuding form them as Airi checked them by her ability ⸺ [The Eye of the World].

"Airi, do you have any idea what's happening to us?"

"Maybe we were pulled in a multi-universe or were dragged into a mirror world." Airi emphasized on the same aspect.

"That's crazy. You really believe that." Yui jumped from her lying position in Airi's lap, only to fall back in her arms, realising the burn mark was still there and cried in pain.

"Nah⸺ If something that were to happen we won't have reached alive in this new world. Transferring worlds have never been reported successful in any science research."

"Then that means…."

"Yeah something greater… someone intentionally forced us here. Someone powerful and knows how to which no one else can do!" Airi claimed further not trying to say much as if she was still not ready to accept the given so easily.

"Such kind of authority can only be said to lie with God. Am I right? And by you expression you reached the same conclusion too."

"Well, I can't deny it. But that would explain it all otherwise. And will be much easier on my brain too."

"Airi don't think much about this. As long as we are together I promise… I promise I'll protect you. I'll be here for you forever." Yui in turn held Airi tightly listening to her breathing and brought her face optimistically close.

But Airi didn't let her arms slack an inch, moving from her lips to nuzzle her cheek. She buried her face into her neck and murmured "I'm all yours, Yui. We'll be together until the final moment… and no one would be able to separate us."

The girls now found themselves in an unknown place threated by different things. They did not have any listed foes but no listed friends either.

All the two had were each other's company, and that was what made them happy the most as the two entangled into another session of making love.

"Yui, thank you for waking up! I wouldn't have known what to do otherwise."

A warm bonfire was burning near them and in the flame's warmth they saw their faces lit and reaching a mood of utmost aroused state. They could not resist each other from getting closer.

"You did good, Yui." Saying that Airi gently brushed and caressed Yui's head.

"I did good!?"

"Yes. And you have already got your reward. Yui always liked to be pampered and appreciated for her efforts and she knew Airi felt genuinely for her and she loved being like that.

"So, what reward?"

Airi seductively licked her lips and ringing her finger on Yui's lips she showed her how wet it was.

I have bene properly giving you CPR just like you did for me the entire time you were out.


"Not long just for something about twenty minute. I was hoping for two more arounds but you woke up pretty soon."

Yui felt a bit sad on realising she was not awake in such a blissful situation.

The two realised that they didn't need to say any further as if they had already taken a vow meant to be kept for seven lives and transcend beyond what the karmic books could have decided for them.

It could be considered a promise as simple as cross your hearts and hope to die as Yui reached out her hands and Airi welcomed it on her chest.

Airi's own hands moved to touch Yui's heart untying their threads and opening the dresses they wore.

Or as serious as they were with their relationship and which each day they were taking a new step deepening their bonds.

The sun was setting and the environment grew cold. The light faded and dark fell soon. With no one to look and no one to see them in the middle of forest they got intimate and came closer.

After all it was the only way they knew to keep themselves happy and strong in such dire situation.

They both have decided to spent the night by the river cave which Airi found during her exploration. It would have been dangerous to roam in the night when Airi could have been the only one to see properly with her magical eyes. And they did not want to have a second run-in with a monster for the day.

Bit by bit, the warmth of Yui's body thawed the ice within Airi which had kept her worried about her health after the battle until now.

But still her wounds were there as Airi hands reached to check the new padding she had set on her back and cleaned her body from the filthy blood that had stained her.

Yui used both of her hands to massage Airi's boobs, as they tightened and evolved into two expanding balloons she pushed her face deeper into it and looked upward after smooching both of them.

"Airi did you change my clothes too?" Her voice feeble and eyes longed.

"Of course, there's nothing to hide between us. I perfectly cleaned your body and freshened your wound again. I could not let filth stay for a single second on my beautiful and gorgeous Yui's body. Let me make you feel good too." Saying that Airi rubbed Yui's lower private part with her finger over her panties as she could already feel the dampness in that area.

Yui started to pressing her boobs. She removed her t-shirt and bra Airi was wearing in a second like she was already used to her body more than her own.

Her nipples got hard when Yui's warm hands cupped her breasts.

"Pinching her hard nipples is always my favourite thing to do, and I know you are always much pleasured by it." Yui this time forced Airi on the ground not leaving a single chance to be connected.

Airi lifted her head and crawled to Yui's head where she took her lips with her own. They were kissing passionately; Yui's vagina grew tight and constricted from inside resting between Airi's soft thin legs.

While Yui's mouth was affixed inside Yui's face from the top.

Airi's fingers worked miracles as Yui girdled around her fingers playing piano at every soft and erogenous spot in her cunt.

Yui's fat thigh characteristic to her athletic physique as no man could ever look away or deny the pleasure from being strangled from those hot , smooth sexy thighs.

Airi felt a tormenting pressure over her chest being fondled with such care and being pro-active at the same time. As usual she scratched whatever thing was in front of her as her nails dented the soil. Yui roughly held her hands before Airi could have damaged or hurt her own hand son seeing this.

Yui was reaching her limit as the scene got intense, she grabbed Yui's finger and guided it inside her panties and into her pussy. Her fingers entered her pussy to its full length and as far as her middle fingers could take her.

Airi could feel Yuri's pussy pulsating and it made he go for grab.

She broke the kiss. And looking into her eyes, she moved Yui's hip up and down over her own body. Thrusting her fingers deeper inside of her, and Yui in turn started to suck her boobs.

This time she grabbed Yui's ass cheeks, which were soft like jelly and despite that could produce such piston like moving strength.

Yui would have made a world-champion athlete and the most gorgeous one too. Airi always thought.

Yui kept on switching between her boobs, as she enjoyed sucking both her breasts. Holding her ass, she moved her hips towards Airi.

Airi with such a unique and gorgeous body, her beautiful hairs and eyes that could charm anyone. Not to forget her intelligence, talents and genius which made her stand out everywhere she could have become anything in her life. Yui always thought.

But the things they did together, always lit up their faces. The time they spent together brought them eternal happiness.

Both the girls were nearing their orgasm as their louds moans escaped their moans but the nightly silent forest only returned quietness to them.

Yuri took Airi's face and started kissing and sucking over her tongue. She pulled Airi's tongue and started having her orgasm. She squirted all over the place and their nude bodies by leaking out her love juice.

Airi pulled out her hand from Yui's inside laden in that fresh coating of transparent fluid she licked it all over from the side and felt the sweetness that came in mixed with it.

The panting sounds Yui made while having an orgasm, made Airi go wild and the releasing pressing she felt over her nipples when constantly being sucked from a trained mouth an at the end bitten and pulled and chewed between her teeth.

Airi went nuts releasing her white milk from her huge breasts as Yui drank it with care like a baby. Milk released in such huge quantity and with such force Yui found this milk tastier and nutritious than any fluid she ever drank as her energy retuned back.

Placing her head between Airi's huge tits, Yui rested upon her.

"Airi, that was so delicious. I drank every last drop. Sorry, there's no more left for you."

"It's alright. My milk will be always there only for you. You can drink anytime, and how much you want. I will nurse you back to health and find a way to heal your back."

In all while having sex Airi had been careful not to touch the burn marks that were all over Yui's back. Yui in her excitedness to some extent had forgotten about the pain, but it kept on coming back unless she was again comforted by Airi.

"Airi what should we do next? Is there a way to return home?"

"Do we really have to?" Airi raised an interesting question.

"I don't know. But I wouldn't mind telling my parents that I was alive. They would be worried."

"Fine. I understand I was being selfish. I thought we could live here forever and while discovering more about our powers we wouldn't have to worry about anything."

"I would love that too. So, when we find a way back home, let's come back here." Yui said confidently.

"Yui…Yui you always make me so happy." Airi tried to cuddle Yui's face in her breast again out of sheer ecstasy.

"I too want to live together. Always. Forever." Yui in return kissed Airi's breast producing a popping sound making the two giggle.

"Yes. I have planned out everything for us. Tomorrow with the first ray of light we walk along the river and try to find some settlement and learn more of our situation. Also, we need to learn the proper usage of our powers and what they actually are."

"So, you have figured how to use them."

"For the most part yes. I will teach you tomorrow how to too."

"I can't wait to use my powers."

"Me too. So, let's first take a bath in the river and go to sleep."

The two took a proper bath in the river cleaning their bodies and played around with water for some time. If someone might had seen them at that time then they could have only described the scene as heaven itself. With two Goddesses playing in the pool in the purest of forms.

The two came out of water and changed back into their dry dress.

And the bra and panties that were wet was washed and hanged in front of fire to dry.

The two were almost completely naked from inside and over a bedding of leaves which Airi had prepared in advance they slept after having such an amazing day.

They were almost burned to death in the love hotel. Then they ended up in the jungle. Slayed a monster.

And finally, after making love and having such a breath-taking sex they talked to each other for tomorrow's plan and slept for another magical and miraculous day to come forth with the rising sun.

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Spoiler from future :

Currently our yuri love birds are engaged in a fight against a flying lizard, you know what that means. But their survival is not guaranteed against such a mighty foe. Also, Airi's body starts to physically change as she starts craving for Yui's blood. What does it really mean?

Find out more by reading in advance on our patron page.


So, this is what a real Yuri novel is....

And I want to keep giving you more of this....

Hope you all enjoyed reading it.


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