Chapter – 12 : BLOOD AWAKENING

Chapter 12


"I am sorry, Yui for drinking your blood. But, I…. I…" Tears scrambled from Airi's face as she slowly kept on drinking blood from Airi's neck. It was sweet and she couldn't resist the temptation, rather it turned into her very need.

Something she knew she couldn't live without.

"Airi… it's alright. Don't fret I will be just fine. I don't know what happened to you. But I know that you will never try to bring pain to me. I love you." Yui spoke with her teeth clenched tight. Her strong body finally succumbed to the fatigue of using her own power and lifting those heavy rocks.

"But I think I have turned into something hideous and monstrous." Airi said, understanding her own feelings of how she felt pleasure of doing such a vile thing to Yui.

"Never." Yui suddenly and strongly opposed. "Just look at your face. Your eyes are still as beautiful. And I think with those fangs you look like a little vampire-princess."

"⸺Yui." Airi raised up her chin, and seeing the small little pearls leave Yui's eyes her desire for Yui's blood intensified.

"See I am strong, and a little blood gone won't make any difference. We will together get through this just like always. So, I want to be a part of you as always."

"Yui. I love you too. I will solve all the troubles for you." Airi claimed.

"I know. And for you I will take all the pain." Yui pushed Airi's head inwards and brought her body closer. She thought it would make her feel warm. But Airi's body was cold like ice. Just like a real vampire.

Airi who was until then in Yui's arm. Pushed her on the ground roughly. Her uncontrollable hunger and wildness grew in her crazy glowing red eyes.

Yui's nape fully exposed, and on the display, her pained face with an affectionate expression made her look even cuter.

Yui was under a lot of pressure. It was a first for her to get her blood sucked out like this. And even if it was not normal she did not show a singular sign of rejecting Airi's advances.

Rather her pleasured and guilty moans welcomed the little blood sucker sitting on her top, even more.


With that Airi took a big sip of blood from Yui's neck. A little trail slipped from the side.

But Airi's new developed fangs sucked it all. Within moments Yui's conscious started to faint. She grew weaker while Airi appeared to look stronger and stronger.

Yui's moaning grew. While Airi's thirst for blood and hunger felt satisfied and greedy for more at the same time.

"Yui your blood is so sweet, rich and powerful. I can feel it. I want you…" Airi's voice became cold and distant too. But Yui could still find that kindness in her every breath.

"Don't worry. It only makes me happy. Take as much as you want… Nigghaaahhhh…." Yui snivelled in discomfort. Her heart raced to pump more; her eyes reflected Airi's lovely smiling face.

She was brimming with ecstasy and looked alive again.

Whenever Airi felt ill, Yui got nervous because of her dilapidating health.

All she could do was wait by her side until the medications and her prayers showed effect.

But this time her blood worked like a charm to nurse Airi back to health in a blink of an eye. If only she knew this before, she would have offered a little of her blood to Airi every day. It would be just like another of their little secret of their love life.

Another purpose, that told them that they were meant for each other only.

And another way of telling that they could not live or survive without either of their love for each other.


Suddenly the air was filled with the sound of shattering glass. A shockwave rocked the ground, so strong that the trees around them felled to the ground. The earth turned flat. And above it stood the giant wyvern as it trampled on everything he saw fit.

It had revived fully and graced the chaotic land with it's might.

The next in line were the two girls, who just a while ago turned it into a pulp of flesh and bones.

"Yui, thank you. But I think this is enough for me for now." Airi plucked out her fangs, which sent an electric shock like signal in both of their bodies.

Had it not been for the dangerous situation they were in, they would have cummed themselves in pleasure. This blood sucking felt too arousing for the two. The fact they were able to handle their lust….

"Wait! Yui did you really cum yourself. Your panties kinda wet." Airi who just couldn't keep her hands to herself, slid her fingers into Yui's pussy.

It was really damp!

Airi kissed on Yui's lips. Her face and body felt a completely different kind of satisfaction after sucking her blood.

"Ahaahaaaahh.h….aaahhhaa…."All Yui did was breath heavily as she rested on the ground. Her body writhed whether it was in pain or joy or both.

Airi was glad that she could give such a nice time to Yui and it was worth it.

"It's alright Yui, next time I will make you feel good too without having to go through this."

Airi licked her own fangs and it turned back white. The fangs were rather small so they did not interfere with her body moments or mouth. It all fell in place and became a part of her.

"Gruaaahhaahaaaa….." The wyvern cried as it this time flapped its huge wings and went flying high in air.

Neither too high for making it difficult to spot. Neither too low for Yui's rocks to reach her this time.

Just before the stones bombarded inside it's body. Yui saw a huge source of energy shift in its body from its heart to head. And then hat huge source conducted some kind of magic.

That might had been its life source.

The only reason it was able to revive was because that attack did not made any damage to its brain. And so, the kind of healing magic it casted on itself worked.

"So, destroying your heart alone was not enough. But it was fun to see you scream in pain. This time I am going to make you suffer double and send you to hell. There will be no mercy." Airi screamed at the wyvern her eyes bloodshot red. Fresh blood refilled her magic and she was herself able to connect to the miraculous flow of magic in the world.

[ Unique Skill : Connect — Concept Domination ]

[Awakening ⸺ Mystic Eyes]

[ Activating skill : The Eye of Gravitas ]

Maybe drinking Yui's blood unlocked new powers in her and it improved her understanding of the world. She realised if magic was some kind of energy, then with having destructive powers, it also must have other properties of energy and matter.

Repulsive, Attractive, something cohesive like gravitation. All she needed to do was convert that magic into her own and siphoning it through her brain's processing power she guided it according to her will.

It was a miracle that it all came so naturally to her, despite her feeble knowledge and experience. But given that it was the super intelligent and skilful Airi.

It couldn't have been anyone but her to be able to achieve such a great feat.

"Wahhhaaaaa…aaaahh…" The wyvern spat wild flames from its mouth and just when it was about to crash on the land where Airi stood protecting the resting Yui. With her magic powers now, she telekinetically manipulated everything around her. That was the power up of her new skill.

A tree spinning shot up and stopped the advancing flames. It spun madly in the air and blocked the fire like a shield.

But the wyvern's flame was no joke. In few seconds the tree turned into grey ash. New trees uprooted themselves from the ground and took the previous burned tree's places.

Finally, the waves of flames ended. The heat of the atmosphere reached almost the melting point. But the coldness radiating from Airi's body kept Yui safe.

"Is that all you have got. And for this you made us worry. But I have now evolved into a greater monster. I am going to take my revenge and make you suffer." Airi knew that the wild wyvern did not understood her language, but surely its agitated face told that its doom was guaranteed.

From Airi's hand invisible amounts of magical connections formed to everything that it could latch onto. Giant rocks, trees whether fallen or in place, boulders.

Everything floated in the air as they were now under the command of Airi's fingers. She waved her hand's like playing the piano and the tune of death, rock and rolled.

As she launched the huge collection of floating items at the wyvern at maximum speed. Most of them making a hit. The wyvern tried to burn the projectiles with its fire breath but they came at it from everywhere.

"Don't stop. There's more. More. And more…." Airi laughed with a menacing expression as she emptied the land by plucking off things like it was her playground with her magic.

When she saw the wyvern creating wind waves with its huge wings…. She got furious.

"Thinking of escaping now. But you know I am good at cutting down wings too." Saying that a huge boulder crashed and created a hole in one of the wings.


The wyvern crashed and landed to the floor. It's wing now had a giant hole. It rolled on the ground like a lizard whose tail had been cut.

It tried to stand up again and use its fire power on Airi.

But Airi was already through with her preparations. Hundreds of giant boulders, trees, rock now surrounded the wyvern from everywhere as they floated mid air

"This is how I send you to hell."

She waved her hands in a cross fold, all the projectile launched at the wyvern while it only used his flame throw.

The flame throw miserably failed as the objects kept on bombarding on its body.

"And now you die." Airi gleefully mumbled. One would have felt blissed and excited to be able to just hear that lovely bewitching voice.

But when it followed by a giant explosion as all the projectile exploded due to magic overloading near the wyvern's body.

This time it was a silent nuclear explosion... there were no roars from the wyvern. The entire patch of land was clearly wiped out from the map after the dust cleared from the explosion.

As if the wyvern never existed but a huge crater formed at its place.

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[ Next Chapter : Gluttony ]