Chapter – 32 : NEXT QUEST

Chapter – 32



"So, what kind of next quest would you like to take?" the man on the reception table asked Yui and Airi who were still ogling on their adventurer's card.

"Dungeon exploration." Yui loudly voices her choice.

"I am sorry but I can't allow new adventurers to visit the dungeon without reaching D-rank. And to move to that rank you need to complete quests that help in the development of the city and also gain necessary skills over the jobs while you perform." the man in the reception explained in an easy manner. He was being considerate to Yui and Airi and his patience was most appreciated by the girls as they listened to him carefully.

They were still foreigners in this new world and if they are going to live in this world they needed to learn the common understanding of this world.

"So, what would you like to suggest to us, mister." Airi asked.

"Seeing that you hunted the horned rabbits so easily you must know your way around the forest. So, how about a quest to obtain medicinal herbs."

"Medicinal herbs, eh!" Airi wondered did the plants too have a magical aspect to them. After all, she could see the flow of magic everywhere around her, and plants and trees were no exception.

"Yes, especially this one is difficult to find and cure many diseases that are otherwise difficult to treat."

"What about healing magic?" Yui asks quizzically remembering what Airi did yesterday.

"Healers can definitely be helpful and quick but are costly and cannot be present everywhere. So medicinal potions need to be prepared for future emergencies."

"I see. Then we will take the quest. I hope the pay is good for it." Airi willingly decided to take the job knowing that she could learn something new from this.

"Absolutely. Then you are to bring two bundles of medicinal herbs a set of ten each. Time for the quest is open for as long as you take to complete it. And here is a picture of the medicinal herb for your reference so that you pick the correct ones and those that are in good condition." Then man swings his feather pen around an empty slate and suddenly a voice message appears from the adventurer cards of Yui and Airi.

{Quest : Herb collection. Accepted.}

"Its just like a notification message."

"We are definitely in another world with magic after all."

Airi and Yui have a good laugh and after wishing the receptionist goodbye and for taking his time to explain the quest they leave the adventurer's guild.

At the gate, they are wished by the guards as they leave the town to set out for the forest.

"Airi, how are we going to find the herbs? Did you think of something or have a plan in mind?"

"Just keep on moving. I am sure on our way I saw them growing when we were lost."

"Really that would ease things a lot. You have a really good memory."

"Well, we are about to reach there. Let's see…" Airi points to the place where she remembers the medicinal herb growing. At that time, they didn't know they were that important to collect but hopefully they would still find some around.

"I think I found them," Yui speaks as she waltzes toward a bush and jumps into the dense growth. Her eyes sight was good to even pick up the minute details.

After a lot of searches, they were only able to get four twigs.

"That's all. What are we gonna do?"

"We keep looking." Airi seemed adamant to find them.

"But aren't they super rare to find. Might as well try another spot. Don't you have some kind of plan?"

"That's true. But I don't want to do wasteful work. I do have a plan but it all depends on whether I can do it or not."

"Don't worry. I absolutely believe in you. If you can't then no one can." Yui speaks with determination and supports Airi.

"Thanks, Yui. Then let's try it."

Airi picks up the twig of the medicinal herb in on hand and focuses while Yui watches intently.

Airi's eyes glow red as usual when she uses magic. Yui couldn't tell what she was actually planning to do but she waited.

Soon she could tell that something was happening inside the twig but cannot see it. Most probably it was the magic flow that only Airi can see.

"Okay… next," Airi speaks as she walks forward and touches a tree with her hand.

She focuses her magic and sends a small signal-like a wave through the magic flowing inside the tree and into the ground where the whole forest is connected by an intricate root and magic channel system.

By analyzing all different kinds of magic flowing she pinpoints the one similar to the variant of the medicinal herb and follows it through the whole network.

Reasonably, it sounds easier but in practice should have been almost impossible if not for Airi's super brain that could see through things, remember instantly and process all the information and not lose focus at the same time.

It was right when Yui said that it could have been only she who could do it.

"Found them. Follow me Yui." Airi elatedly announces her discovery as they ran through the forest. Airi makes sure they do not run into a monster on the way.

As the thickets clear both find themselves in an open forest.

On the top of a small hill, they could visibly see a cluster of medicinal herbs growing and all green. The best quality.


A group of monsters resided in the close vicinity. Most probably these monsters were there to hunt herbivores who came to eat the plants in this open field.

Airi jumps into action and brandishes her sword as it shines in the golden sunlight and so does her armor too.

"I think it's my turn to shine."


{ Next Chapter : MISSION COMPLETE }


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Beautiful and cute illustrations of Yui and Airi

Read my other 2 novels - Picking up Beautiful Girls in a zombie apocalypse

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